You can use vicfg-nics to manage uplink adapters.

The following example workflow lists an uplink adapter's properties, changes the duplex and speed, and sets the uplink to autonegotiate its speed and duplex settings. Specify one of the options listed in Connection Options for vCLI Host Management Commands in place of <conn_options>.


  1. List settings.
    vicfg-nics <conn_options> -l
    This command lists the uplinks in the system, their current and configured speed, and their duplex setting.
  2. Set the settings for vmnic0 to full and the speed to 100.
    vicfg-nics <conn_options> -d full -s 100 vmnic0
  3. Set vmnic2 to autonegotiate its speed and duplex settings.
    vicfg-nics <conn_options> -a vmnic2