You can view an interoperability report that lists products in your environment associated with the current vCenter Server version and their compatibility.

The product interoperability report lists available products in your environment and their compatibility with the selected vCenter Server version.


To use Update Planner, you must join the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). For information about the CEIP, see the "Configuring Customer Experience Improvement Program" section in vCenter Server and Host Management.


  1. In the vSphere Client navigate to a vCenter Server for which you want to view an interoperability report.
  2. On the Monitor tab, click Interoperability.
    The Product Interoperability report lists all available products in your environment associated with the selected vCenter Server.
  3. (Optional) If there are VMware products in your environment that go undetected, you can manually add them to the list of products to check and regenerate the interoperability report.
    1. Click Add Product in the Product Interoperability pane.
    2. Select the VMware product and version you want to include in the interoperability report.
      Repeat this step for each VMware product you want to add to the report.
    3. To add the selected products to the product inventory click Done.
    4. Regenerate the report and verify that the products you added are included in the report.
  4. (Optional) Click Export in the Product Interoperability pane to export and save a copy of the report as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which allows data to be saved in a tabular format.

What to do next