After you import the .CSV file that you generate in the Customer Connect reports section to your vCenter license inventory, the system analyzes the license keys details in that .CSV file and compares the information with the information in your current vSphere environment. Based on the results from the .CSV file analysis, the system might generate recommendation reports that you can download and use to update your vSphere license inventory manually.

Note: The recommendation reports are only available on the Ready to complete page of the Synchronize Licenses wizard. Download the reports to perform the actions manually.

For information how to remove from your vSphere license inventory existing license keys that have been combined, divided, upgraded, or downgraded in Customer Connect, see Remove License Keys That Have Been Combined, Divided, Upgraded, or Downgraded.

For information how to upgrade your assets manually, change your license assignments, and remove license keys from your vCenter license inventory that have upgrade keys available in Customer Connect, see Upgrade License Keys in Your vCenter License Inventory.