Follow this workflow to provision a TKG Service cluster declaratively using kubectl commands and a cluster specification defined in YAML.

This workflow supports provisioning a TKG cluster declaratively using kubectl and YAML.


Verify or complete the following prerequisites before starting the provisioning workflow:


  1. Install the Kubernetes CLI Tools for vSphere.
  2. Authenticate with Supervisor using kubectl.
    kubectl vsphere login --server=SUPERVISOR-CONTROL-PLANE-IP-ADDRESS-or-FQDN --vsphere-username USERNAME
    Note: FQDN for Supervisor can only be used if enabled. Refer to the Supervisor configuration documentation for details.
  3. Verify successful login to the Supervisor.
    You should see a message similar to the following:
    Logged in successfully.
    You have access to the following contexts:
    Where is the Supervisor context and tkg2-cluster-namespace is the context for the vSphere Namespace where you plan to provision the TKG cluster.
  4. Verify that the target vSphere Namespace is the current context.
    kubectl config get-contexts
    CURRENT   NAME                    CLUSTER         AUTHINFO                                        NAMESPACE
          wcp:[email protected]
    *         tkg2-cluster-namespace   wcp:[email protected]   tkg2-cluster-namespace
    If the target vSphere Namespace is not the current context, switch to it.
    kubectl config use-context tkg2-cluster-namespace
  5. List the VM classes that are available in the vSphere Namespace.
    kubectl get virtualmachineclass
    You can only use VM classes bound to the target namespace. If you do not see any VM classes, verify that the default VM classes have been associated with the vSphere Namespace. See also Troubleshoot VM Class Errors.
  6. Get the available persistent volume storage classes.
    kubectl describe namespace VSPHERE-NAMESPACE-NAME
    The command returns details about the namespace, including the storage class in the form The first token of the string is the storage class name, in this example tkg2-storage-policy. The command kubectl describe storageclasses also returns available storage classes, but requires vSphere administrator permissions.
  7. List the available Tanzu Kubernetes releases.
    You can use either of the following commands to perform this operation:
    kubectl get tkr
    kubectl get tanzukubernetesreleases
    This command returns the TKRs that are available to you in this vSphere Namespace, and shows their compatibility with the Supervisor you are deploying on. You can only use those releases that are returned by this command. If you do not see any releases, or the releases you want, verify that you have done the following: a) Created a TKR content library; b) Synchronized the content library with the desired OVA files; and c) Associated the content library with the vSphere Namespace where you are provisioning TKG cluster.
  8. Craft the YAML file for provisioning the TKG cluster.
    1. Determine the type of cluster you will create and review its API and features:
    2. Start with one of the example YAMLs for provisioning the cluster.
    3. Save your YAML file as tkg2-cluster-1.yaml, or similar.
    4. Populate the YAML using the information you gleaned from the output of the preceding commands, including:
      • The name of the cluster, such as tkg2-cluster-1
      • The target vSphere Namespace
      • Bound VM classes, such as guaranteed-medium
      • Storage class for cluster nodes and persistent volumes
      • The number of control plane and worker nodes (replicas)
      • The Tanzu Kubernetes release specified by the TKR NAME string, such as v1.25.7+vmware.3-fips.1-tkg.1
    5. Customize the TGK cluster YAML as needed.
      • Add separate volumes for high-churn components, such as containerd
      • Specify a default persistent storage class for cluster nodes and persistent volumes
      • Customize cluster networking, including the CNI, pod and service CIDRs
    6. Use a YAML syntax checker and verify that the YAML is valid.
    The result of this step is a valid YAML for provisioning the TKG cluster.
  9. Provision the TKG cluster by running the following command.
    kubectl apply -f tkg2-cluster-1.yaml
    Expected result: created
  10. Monitor the provisioning of the TKG cluster.
    kubectl get tanzukubernetesclusters
    kubectl get tkc
    Of, if you create a Cluster using the v1beta1 API:
    kubectl get cluster
    Initially the READY status is False as the cluster is being provisioned. After a few minutes it should be True.
    tkg2-cluster-1    3               6        v1.25.7+vmware.3-fips.1-tkg.1       49m   True    True
    Run additional commands to view details about the cluster.
    kubectl get tanzukubernetescluster,cluster,virtualmachinesetresourcepolicy,virtualmachineservice,kubeadmcontrolplane,machinedeployment,machine,virtualmachine
    kubectl describe tanzukubernetescluster tkg2-cluster-1
  11. Monitor the deployment of cluster nodes using the vSphere Client.
    In the vSphere inventory for Hosts and Clusters, you should see the cluster node VMs deployed in the target vSphere Namespace.
  12. Once all TKG cluster nodes are in a READY state, log in to the cluster using the vSphere Plugin for kubectl.
    kubectl vsphere login --server=SUPERVISOR-CONTROL-PLANE-IP-ADDRESS-or-FQDN \
    --vsphere-username USERNAME \
    --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name CLUSTER-NAME \
    --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace NAMESPACE-NAME
    For example:
    kubectl vsphere login --server= --vsphere-username [email protected] \
    --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg2-cluster-1 --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace tkg2-cluster-namespace
    Note: The log in command will only succeed once the control plane nodes are running and the authentication service plugin has started. If worker nodes are in the process of being created, log in may spotty. It is recommended that you log in once all cluster nodes are READY.
  13. Switch context to the TKG cluster so that it is the current context.
    On successful login to the TKG cluster, you should see a message similar to the following.
    Logged in successfully.
    You have access to the following contexts:
    Where is the Supervisor context, tkg2-cluster-namespace is the vSphere Namespace context, and tkg2-cluster-1 is the TKG cluster context.
    Switch to the TKG cluster context.
    kubect config use-context tkg2-cluster-1
  14. Check TKG cluster resources.
    kubectl get nodes
    kubectl get namespaces
    kubectl get pods -A
    kubectl cluster-info
    kubectl api-resources
  15. Exercise the TKG cluster by deploying a test pod and verify that it works as expected.