You can view the status and health of your cloud proxy after you add it in vRealize Operations. You can then monitor the health and view alerts and metrics of your cloud proxy using the vRealize Operations Cloud Proxy object.


  1. Log in to vRealize Operations.
  2. From the left menu, click Data Sources > Cloud Proxy.
    The list of cloud proxies is displayed.
    Option Description
    Name The name of the cloud proxy.
    IP The IP address of the cloud proxy.
    Type Displays whether it is a remote collector or cloud proxy. For more information on remote collectors, see About vRealize Operations Remote Collector Nodes.
    Status Status of the cloud proxy. For example, the Getting Online status is displayed for a few minutes when you add a new cloud proxy. Once the cloud proxy is connected to vRealize Operations, the status changes to Online. If the vRealize Operations is not connected, the Offline status is displayed.
    Version The version used to install the cloud proxy.
    Accounts The number of accounts that are created and associated with the cloud proxy.
    Network Proxy Address The network proxy address of the cloud proxy.
    Network Proxy Port The network proxy port number of the cloud proxy.
    Target Displays the target location on which the cloud proxy is deployed.
    Data Persistence Displays the status of data persistence for the cloud proxy. Data persistence activates the cloud proxy to store data if the connection fails between the cloud proxy and vRealize Operations.
    • Activated. Cloud proxy will store data.
    • Deactivated. Cloud proxy will not store data.

    To activate/deactivate data persistence for multiple cloud proxies, select the cloud proxies, click the horizontal ellipsis, and then select Activate Data Persistence or Deactivate Data Persistence.

    To activate/deactivate data persistence for a single cloud proxy, select the cloud proxy, click the vertical ellipsis, and then select Activate Data Persistence or Deactivate data Persistence.

    Note: When the connection is restored, the cloud proxy sends the stored data to vRealize Operations. The stored data is displayed before the real-time data is displayed.
    Time Estimation Displays the estimated time duration for which the cloud proxy persists data.

    Cloud proxy can store data for a maximum duration of one hour. If there is a lack of space or if the connection fail lasts for more than an hour, the cloud proxy rotates the stored data by deleting the oldest stored data and replacing it with the most recently collected data.

    Filter Activates you to search the list of cloud proxies according to the following criteria:
    • Name
    • IP
    • Version
    • Accounts
    • Network Proxy Address
    • Network Proxy Port
    • Target Location
    • Data Persistence
    • Time Estimation
  3. Click a Cloud Proxy.
    The Cloud Proxy Details page opens.

    Each cloud proxy might have one or more adapters. You can also view the health and status of these adapters from this page.

    Table 1. Cloud Proxy Page Options
    Option Description
    Proxy ID ID of the cloud proxy.
    IP Address IP address of the cloud proxy.
    OVA Version The OVA file version used to install the cloud proxy.
    Creation Date Date of creation of the cloud proxy.
    Status Status of the cloud proxy. For example, the Getting Online status is displayed for a few minutes when you add a cloud proxy. Once the cloud proxy is connected to vRealize Operations, the status changes to Online. If the vRealize Operations is not connected, the Offline status is displayed.
    Last Heartbeat Last time stamp when vRealize Operations ran a Health Check for this cloud proxy. When you click a cloud proxy to view its details, vRealize Operations sends a heartbeat to check if the cloud proxy is still reachable.
    CPU CPU usage.
    Memory Memory usage.
  4. (Optional) Click the vertical ellipsis.
    1. Click Rename to update the cloud proxy name.
    2. Click Activate/Deactivate Data Persistence to activate or deactivate data persistence for the cloud proxy.
    3. Click Remove to delete the cloud proxy.
  5. If your cloud proxy is not collecting data, you can view the health of the cloud proxy. From the left menu, click Environment > Inventory, select the vRealize Operations Cloud Proxy Object from the list, and then click Show Detail.
    For more details, see Inventory Tab and Inventory: List of Objects.
  6. After you locate the vRealize Operations Cloud Proxy object, you can view the object details using the Summary tab. For more information, see Summary Tab.
  7. Use the Alerts tab to monitor the health of the cloud proxy. If there are any issues, troubleshoot them using the Metrics tab.
    If your cloud proxy is not working properly, an alert is displayed.
    One or more vRealize Operations services on a cloud proxy are down
    To clear this alert, perform the following steps:
    • Check the network connectivity and configuration for the cloud proxy.
    • Take the cloud proxy offline and then bring it online.
    For more information, see Cloud Proxy FAQ and Cloud Proxy Troubleshooting.
    Note: It is recommended that you create a notification rule for this alert so that, quick remediation steps can be taken, if necessary.
  8. (Optional) You can use the cloud proxy command line interface for other cloud proxy related actions. For more details, see Using the Cloud Proxy Command-Line Interface.

What to do next

You can also use the cloud proxy page to view and monitor the health of remote collectors. For more information, see About vRealize Operations Remote Collector Nodes.