Because you need more information about the datastore before you decide on the best response, you examine the Symptoms tab to see other triggered symptoms for the datastore.

If other symptoms are triggered for the object besides the symptom included in the alert, evaluate them as well. Determine what the symptoms reflect about the state of the object to decide whether the related recommendations might resolve the problem.


Verify that you are addressing the alert for which you received an alert message in your email. See Respond to an Alert in Your Email.


  1. From the left menu, click Troubleshoot and then click Alerts . Select the alert name in the data grid.
  2. In the Alert Details tab, see the information under Symptoms. Click the object which is displaying the symptoms.
  3. The object opens under Environment. Click Alerts > Symptoms. The symptoms tab includes all the symptoms triggered for the current object.
    Option Evaluation Process

    Are other symptoms of similar criticality present that are affecting the object?

    Symptom Are any of the triggered symptoms related to the symptoms that triggered the current alert? Symptoms that might indicate storage problems?
    Created On Do the date and time stamps for the symptoms indicate that they were triggered before the alert you are investigating, indicating that it might be a related symptom? Were the symptoms triggered after the alert was generated, indicating that the alert symptoms contributed to these other symptoms?
    Information Can you identify a correlation between the alert symptoms and the other symptoms based on the triggering metric values?

What to do next