You can add vRealize Network Insight and associate it with a vCenter Server for a detailed view of your infrastructure topology.


  • Ensure that you have the required permissions. For more information, see Overview Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu Roles.

  • You must have the vRealize Network Insight administrator privileges to use the vRealize Network Insight Cloud API token.
  • Ensure that you have added a vCenter Server as a datasource in vRealize Network Insight.
    • Select all VDS to which your workload VMs are connected.
    • Make sure to enable NetFlow (IPFIX) on the vCenter Server.
  • For NSX-based networking, NSX must be added as a datasource in vRealize Network Insight.
    • For NSX-V, make sure to enable IPFIX
    • For NSX-T, make sure to enable DFW IPFIX
  • Add a vCenter Server.


  1. Click Discovery from the main menu.
  2. On the left navigation page, go to Settings > vRealize Network Insight.
  3. Click Add.
    1. Select vRealize Network Insight type,
      • For vRealize Network Insight on-prem:
        1. Enter the vRealize Network Insight FQDN or IP.
        2. Select a credential from the list.

          If you do not have a defined credential, select Add Credential, enter the credentials, and alias.

      • For vRealize Network Insight Cloud:
        1. Enter the vRealize Network Insight Cloud API URL. You can use the default URL also.
        2. Enter the vRealize Network Insight Cloud FQDN. You can use the default URL also.
        3. Generate a CSP token for vRNI from vmware cloud console.
    2. Select vCenters to associate with vRealize Network Insight.
      If you leave this field blank and save, Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu automatically updates the field with the vCenter that is associated in vRealize Network Insight.
      • The vCenter auto-fill works only if the vCenter is registered with Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu.
      • The vCenter auto-fill feature is available only while attaching a new vRealize Network Insight, and not available during edit.
    1. Click Add.

What to do next

Discover Application Topology.