The VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA Guide provides an overview of the components of VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA and high-level workflows for development and production use cases.

Intended Audience

The information in VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA Guide is intended for data center cloud administrators, data scientists, and DevOps engineers who are familiar with:

VMware Software Components

The functionality of the VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA solution is available across several software components according to your role in your organization.

Target User Role Software Category Supported Software Versions
Cloud administrators Components that are deployed in VMware Cloud Foundation See VMware Components in VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA.
Data scientists Deep learning VM components See VMware Deep Learning VM Release Notes.
DevOps engineers TK releases (TKr) See VMware Tanzu Kuberenetes releases Release Notes.

Related VMware Documentation

The VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA solution includes a stack of VMware software products and components. The documentation for those software products is as follows:

VMware Cloud Foundation Glossary

The VMware Cloud Foundation Glossary defines terms specific to VMware Cloud Foundation.