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VMware Cloud Sizer | 22 April 2024

Check for additions and updates to these release notes.

What's New

What's New April 22, 2024

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.7 version is available

    VMware Cloud Sizer 5.7 version is available with the automated sizing recommendation. Find the feature highlights below:

    • Sizer optimized - Auto mode to recommend the optimized instance and storage configurations by sizing various instance types and storage combinations to your workloads at the lowest possible cost. By default, host and storage preference will be set to auto mode.

    • Upgraded user interface to improve the sizing user experience

    • Management cluster identified and tagged in the recommendations UI and report.

    • Cluster level assumptions/settings are separated and listed under Additional Info > Cluster Assumptions.

    • Separate cluster option will enable Fault Tolerance settings for the cluster under the Right Sizing section.

    • Calculation logs to show the  sizing process for the recommended hosts/storage in the logged-in mode.

What's New Feb 29, 2024

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.6 version is available with the following updates:

    • Support for sizing the new disaggregated instance, M7i.24xl.

    • Enhanced vSAN OSA effective usable capacity calculations by adjusting the vSAN overheads. (Note: This might cause marginally higher node count recommendations for OSA-based host types.)

    • Enhanced resource breakdown charts and the Additional Info > Resources Breakdown section in the UI/report to showcase consumed, reserved and free resources.

    • Enhancements to vSAN ESA support - Assumptions and PDF reports.

    • Stretched Cluster bug fix: Incorrect recommendation, resource breakdown, and report download issue when choosing any storage policy other than auto.

    • The Cluster Conversion Estimation workflow has been enabled for all the service roles with VMware Cloud on AWS inventory view access.

What's New November 21, 2023

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.5 version is available with the following updates:

    • The advanced cloud edition sizing is available for VMware Cloud on AWS.

    • vSAN Express Storage Architecture(ESA) sizing support with i4i instance type.

    • Support for Aria Operations data import into VMC Sizer. For more information, refer Guide to Import VMC Sizing JSON using Aria Operations REST APIs.

    • Google Cloud VMware Engine is available for sizing.

    • Updates to VMware Cloud on AWS Integrated Services Sizing :

      • Granular control of HCX components

      • Support for VMware NSX Advanced Firewall

    • In advanced sizing(Non-VDI) workflow, the sizer considers user input to compute the mean for the below values :

      • vCPU to pCore ratio (Compute over-commit)

      • Target RAM ratio (Memory over-commit)

      • Dedup or compression factor (Storage over-commit)

What's New September 26, 2023

VMware Cloud Sizer now supports Cluster Conversion Estimation:

  • Cluster Conversion Estimation workflow is available in VMware Cloud Sizer to estimate the hosts required for converting existing clusters in VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC.

  • Ensure you are logged in to the respective organization in VMware Cloud Sizer to get the estimated recommendation. For more information, see Cluster Conversion Estimation for VMC Sizer.

What's New September 5, 2023

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.4.1 version is available with the following bug fixes:

    • Fix to set storage preference and external storage vendor to older projects(<5.4.0) correctly.

    • Fix to send the correct vCPU to pCore ratio.

    • Updated the Quick Sizer project version mismatch.

What's New August 30, 2023

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.4 version is available with the following key updates

    • Advanced manual mode for non-VDI:

      • Supports profile settings and external storage sizing.

      • Sizing logic is updated to use the latest V5 API.

    • Quick Sizer:

      • Default sizing with storage preference is set to vSAN + External Storage(VMware Cloud Flex Storage).

    • Enhancements to RV Tools-based data import to fix the issue of RV Tools over-reporting vSAN capacity by adding policy overheads for vSAN-based clusters in the vInfo tab: Process data from the vDisk > Capacity tab for provisioned storage and the vPartition > Consumed tab for utilized storage. If data is not present in the vDisk/vPartition tab, data is fetched from the vInfo tab. Refer to the collector mapping guide for additional info.

    • Simplified profile settings for instance and storage preference.

    • Improvements to project handling, file imports, and service resiliency.


    Old projects with both VDI and non-VDI workload profiles are no longer supported. You can reach out to VMware for any issues.

What's New April 28, 2023

  • VMware Cloud Sizer version 5.3.1 with Host based Sizing support is now available in production. Following are the release highlights -

    • Host based Sizer - Provide your host details to quickly determine the usable capacity and resource breakdown.

    • Admission control logic is updated in advanced new sizing workflow.

    • GCVE sizing is updated for entry-level stretched cluster configurations.

    • Minor UI enhancements and improved error messaging.

What's New March 30, 2023

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.3 version is live with external storage sizing support for VMware Cloud on AWS. Following are the key release highlights:

    • VMware Cloud Sizer Advanced New workflow now supports sizing external storages, VMware Cloud Flex Storage, and FSx NetApp ONTAP for VMware Cloud on AWS cloud provider.

    • Default sizing is set to vSAN + External Storage option with external storage set to VMware Cloud Flex Storage.

    • Profile Settings now allows you to set the storage preference and select the preferred external storage.

    • Sizer recommendations and reports are enhanced to show the attached external storage details.

    • The default fault tolerance 'Auto' mode always recommends SLA-specific managed storage policy recommendations.

    • GCVE Sizing API updates to support stretched clusters and new storage policies.

    • Error handling improvements and minor UI/backend enhancements.

What's New March 01, 2023

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.2.1 version is available with following critical bug fixes and enhancements:

    • Storage efficiency defaults for i4i is set to 1.25 in quick sizer workflows.

    • Updated the minimum configuration for all VM storage policy Site Disaster Tolerance (PFTT) equivalent to Dual Site Mirroring for all stretched clusters with four hosts or less.

    • The processor performance benchmarks for i3 and i3en host types is updated for VDI Sizing Workflow.

    • Updated storage efficiency defaults for Full Clone VDI workload profiles.

    • Cluster level host limit is fixed for Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE) in VDI sizing.

What's New January 09, 2023

  • VMware Cloud Sizer 5.2 version with updated workloads-based sizing is available in production with a new landing experience.

    The new VMware Cloud Sizer considers workload level parameters for sizing and placement in the target VMware Cloud providers. Following are the key feature highlights:

    • Profile Settings

      • Allows you to set the target instance, cluster preference, and FTT/FTM policy at a workload profile level

    • Global Settings> Exclude management overheads for this sizing

      • Allows you to exclude the management resource overheads from sizing for existing SDDC use-cases

    • Recommendation enhancements

      • Outliers section shows the non-eligible workloads excluded from the sizing

      • Recommendation Summary view with a host-level breakdown

      • Recommendation in detail view showing workload placement with cluster level breakdown

    • New reports and enhancements

      • PDF report with complete details on input workloads, settings, and target recommendation

      • Cluster mapping report showing workload placement at a cluster level

      • Unsupported workloads report showing the ineligible workloads

What's New October 28, 2022

  • i4i.metal instance type support

              The VMware Cloud Sizer now supports i4i instance sizing.

What's New May 30, 2022

  • Add-On/Integrated Services Sizing

    VMware Cloud Sizer now allows users to select add-ons in the sizing workflow to consider SDDC resource utilization by selected add-ons to provide complete and accurate SDDC sizing.

    Sizing Improvements

    Numerous sizing improvements is made on the slack space and assumptions to improve the core sizing algorithm.

What's New February 04, 2022

  • Supports New API Endpoint - VMware Cloud Sizer V5 with total based sizing framework 

    VMware Cloud Sizer V5 API takes VM level information as input and produces VMware Cloud sizing recommendation consisting of SDDC topology. 

    • New API access requires Cloud Service Provider (CSP) authentication.  

    • Total based sizing is based on input workload characteristics

    • Workload eligibility assessment to filter out outliers 

    • Target cloud recommendation with SDDC topology

    • Supports data import formats from discovery tools like vRealize Operations, Live Optics and RV Tools.

    • Cost Optimized option to provide ability to size based on minimum cost. 

    For more information on APIs, see

What's New November 23, 2021

  • Sizer updates

    • Decreased default slack space assumption from 25% to 20% -

      VMC sizer will now consider 20% slack space while sizing storage recommendations.

    • 2-node stretched cluster support

      Added support for sizing 2-node stretched cluster configurations(1-1-1).

    • Support for 2 node i3en cluster 

      Support for sizing 2-host cluster capability with i3en instance type.

    • Updates to sizing logic to improve the recommendation accuracy for small clusters.

    • Enabled quick/online contextual help guide

What's New August 5, 2021

  • Hyper-Threading Weight 

    Now you will be able to configure Hyper-Threading weight(%) in Global Settings which will be considered for any host type that supports hyper-threading.

    • Support for 4-host stretched cluster 

      Added support for 4-host stretched cluster(2-2-1). 

    • Outdated Project Experience 

      As the new version of Sizer releases, existing recommendations will be marked as outdated. To update recommendations, open the project and follow the instructions. 

    • Application-level notification 

      Logged out users will see an alert notification to log in to get access to projects and additional functionalities. 

What's New September 05, 2021

  • Save Projects is now available for logged-out users.

    • Various UI changes and improvements.

What's New July 19, 2021

  • Launchpad Support

    Links to the VMware Cloud Sizer have been added to the Launchpad and Tools panels.  Because the Launchpad is fully accessible to a logged-out experience, this helps resolve any discovery issues.

    • CSP log on support

      VMware Cloud Sizer is now fully integrated into the VMware Cloud Services Portal, allowing an authenticated experience. 

    • Sizer Projects

      Create a project and save a sizing when logged in.  This allows you to download a PDF report or customize an existing sizing without recreating the workload requirement.

      Saved Projects are available to anyone in the VMware Cloud Organization, allowing teams to collaborate on a project easily.

    • Audit Logs

      Track changes to a project at the organization level.  Verify when a project was created, modified, or deleted and by whom.

    • Sizing Improvements

      Various UI changes to support the CSP integration.

What's New April 22, 2021

  • Improved Admission Control logic

    Sizer now calculates Admission Control based on a percentage. This improves the accuracy of small cluster recommendations.

    • Support for RVTools 4.1.3 file import 

      Updated File Import support to handle the updated file formating in RVTools 4.1.3

    • Enhanced TCO email experience.

      Improved TCO email experience. TCO request email will contain on-premise datacenter details along with workload sizing recommendation for VMC and associated assumptions.

    • Clarified sizing assumptions

      Sizing assumptions now include the Management Appliance size used in the sizing. 

    • Updated Disclaimer 

      PDF Download Report now includes a disclaimer to clarify known limitations and restrictions.

    • Sizing Improvements

      Numerous sizing improvements and fixes to the sizing algorithm.

What's New March 24, 2021

  • VMware Cloud Sizer API

    The VMware Cloud Sizer API is now available. This API offers the same functionality as the Quick Sizer. Partners can now invoke this API for tighter integration with the VMware Cloud Sizer and consume the recommended hosts and resources required for their workloads. For more information, see

What's New November 19, 2020

  • VMC Sizer and TCO Version 4.0

    • Re-designed User Interface

      The VMC Sizer UI has been completely re-designed with a modern look and feel, making it more streamlined and easier to use.

    • Sizing Modes

      The VMC Sizer now supports three sizing modes:

      1. Quick Sizer: Perform sizing with minimal inputs.

      2. Import Mode: Perform sizing using data imported from on-premises using LiveOptics or RVTools.

      3. Advanced Sizer: Perform sizing using multiple workload profiles with more gradual configuration inputs.

    • Detailed Recommendation

      The VMC Sizer provides detailed sizing recommendations with a simplified view that can be expanded to include more details.

    • Instance Type Comparison

      Quickly switch between recommendations for different instance types (e.g. i3, i3en).

    • Re-designed PDF Download Report

      The PDF Download Report has been re-designed to make it easier to read, understand and present.

    • Sizing Improvements

      Numerous sizing improvements and fixes to the sizing algorithm.

What's New July 21, 2020

  • VMC Sizer and TCO Version 3.2

    • LiveOptics and RVTools file import

      The VMC Sizer now supports importing sizing input data from LiveOptics and RVTools output files. This reduces the need to manually input data.

    • Large SDDC support

      Users can now choose to size for Large SDDCs. Large SDDCs require more resources than the default Regular size SDDCs.

    • Improved responsiveness support

      600x512 responsiveness support.

What's New May 29, 2020

  • VMC Sizer and TCO Version 3.1

    • i3en instance type

      The VMC Sizer now supports i3en instance sizing. This change ONLY applies to the VMC Sizer.

    • Removal of r5 instance type

      The VMC Sizer no longer supports the r5 instance type. This change ONLY applies to the VMC Sizer.

What's New April 20, 2020

  • VMC Sizer and TCO Version 3.0

    • 2 node cluster support

      Added support for sizing 2 node clusters. 

    • Stretched Clusters SLA compliance change

      Stretched Clusters now default to FTT=1 and RAID=RAID-5 for all cluster sizes when the users select auto mode. This change matches a recent update to the SLA that no longer requires FTT=2 and RAID-6 for Stretched Clusters with 12 or more hosts. 

    • Link to online TCO tool

      Users have the option to build their own TCO model by clicking on a button that takes them to a new self-service TCO tool.

    • Calculation improvements

      Some calculation improvements are added, including the ability to accept a decimal value for the vCPU/VM input.

    • UI improvements

      UI improvements, such as including units for some of the main input fields like Memory Utilization and CPU headroom.

What's New December 17th, 2018

  • VMC Sizer and TCO Version v1.1

    • R5 instance type support

      Added support for EC2 R5 instance types and the ability to specify the amount of capacity used by Elastic vSAN.

    • User Interface improvements

      This update contains a number of improvements to the user interface including:

      • Moved the Cluster Settings modal window to the main view.

      • Moved the  Advanced Settings modal window to the main view.

      • Improved Workload Profile page experience. For example, it is now possible to rename Workload Profiles.

      • Other enhancements and stability improvements.

    • Target RAM Ratio

      The user can now specify the Target RAM Ratio to specify the maximum RAM overcommit.

    • Versioning support

      The VMC Sizer now includes a version number. This lets users know if an older recommendation that they downloaded used a different version of the VMC Sizer.

    • Auto modes for Host failures to tolerate and Fault Tolerance Method

      Users have the choice of setting HFT and FTM to specific values or letting the VMC Sizer automatically determine the settings that will minimize the number of hosts in the recommendation while also complying with the VMC SLA requirements. For example, clusters with 6 or more hosts must have HFT set to 2 according to the VMC SLA. In auto mode with 6 or more hosts in a cluster, the VMC Sizer will set HFT to 2 in order to comply with the VMC SLA and will minimize the storage overhead and number of recommended hosts by selecting RAID-6 for FTM.

    • Enhanced stretched cluster support

      The Stretched Cluster setting is moved to the main input view. The calculation logic for Stretched Clusters was also improved to provide more accurate recommendations.

    • Improved integration of the VMC Sizer and TCO tool

      Two main improvements are included in this release. First, a login is no longer required to access the TCO tool. Second, the VMC Sizer recommendation output feeds into the TCO tool input. This makes it easier for users to compare total cost of ownership based on the VMC Sizer recommendation.

    • Sizing calculation logic improvements

      The VMC Sizer calculator and logic were significantly improved for more accurate recommendations. In addition, this update addresses a number of stability issues.

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