After creating your building and floor custom groups, you can add the floor maps.

To add a new floor map, perform the following steps.


  1. Log into the VMware Edge Network Intelligence portal.
  2. Go to My Account > Admin Settings > AP & Custom Groups.
    The AP & CUSTOM GROUPS page appears.
  3. In the AP & CUSTOM GROUPS page, search by custom group name to find a specific custom group you want to add floor map.
  4. Click EDIT TABLE.
    A table of all existing custom groups appears in the Edit mode.
  5. Under the FLOOR MAP column for your floor group, click ADD FLOOR MAP.
  6. A FLOORMAP IMPORT window appears with an option to drag and drop file or browse for a floor map image file and upload. ENI accepts image file of any format (for example jpeg, png, and so on) and single page PDFs.
    Note: AutoCAD files are not supported.
  7. After you add a file and upload is complete, click CLOSE.
  8. Click SAVE.
    The floor map is added and associated with the selected floor group. You can replace or delete the floor map, if needed.

What to do next