You install the VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0 virtual appliance and apply the 7.0.1 patch on your existing vCenter Server instance.

This procedure describes how to install the VMware Integrated OpenStack using the vSphere Client. If you want to use the OVF Tool to install the virtual appliance, you must include the --allowExtraConfig parameter.


Confirm that your management and API access networks include sufficient IP addresses for the new installation. See Add IP Addresses to the Network Configuration.


  1. Log in to the vSphere Client and select the Hosts and Clusters view.
  2. Edit the settings of the management cluster previously configured for VMware Integrated OpenStack and set DRS Automation to Manual.
    Important: Do not use Storage vMotion to migrate VMware Integrated OpenStack vApp and controller VMs, which will rename the vmdk files for Kubernetes Persistent Volume and break the function.
  3. Right-click the management cluster and select Deploy OVF Template... from the pop-up menu.
  4. Provide the path to the VMware Integrated OpenStack OVA and click Next.
  5. Enter a name for the new VMware Integrated OpenStack vApp, select your data center, and click Next.
    Note: The name of the VMware Integrated OpenStack vApp can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). The name cannot exceed 60 characters, and the combination of the vApp name and cluster name cannot exceed 80 characters.
  6. Select the cluster on which to run the vApp and click Next.
  7. Review the details of the template to be installed and click Next.
  8. Read the license agreements and select I accept all license agreements. Then click Next.
  9. Specify a provisioning format and storage policy, select the datastore on which the vApp files will be stored, and click Next.
    For more information about provisioning formats, see About Virtual Disk Provisioning Policies in vSphere Virtual Machine Administration.
  10. In the Destination Network column, select the existing management network and click Next.
  11. On the Customize template page, enter additional settings for VMware Integrated OpenStack.
    1. Under Network properties, you can enter static IP addresses for the Integrated OpenStack Manager virtual machine and DNS server.
      If you want to use DHCP, leave all fields blank. If you enter a static IP address for the Integrated OpenStack Manager, you must also enter the subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server.
    2. Under System, enter an initial password for the administrator accounts on the Integrated OpenStack Manager.

      This password is used for the admin account on the web interface and the root user on the Integrated OpenStack Manager virtual machine. The following rules apply to the password:

      • The password must contain between 8 and 128 characters.
      • The password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 digit, and 1 special character.
      • The password cannot contain simplistic patterns, common words, or words derived from the name of the account.
    3. For Permit Root Logon, select true.
    4. Under Internal Network, enter the network address of the Kubernetes service network, the network address of the Kubernetes pod network, and the domain name suffix of the service network.

      The service and pod networks must not overlap each other or any existing networks. The service network domain suffix must not overlap any existing domains.

      For example, if your current domain is named corp.local, you cannot use cluster.local as your service network domain. Use a different domain suffix, such as cluster.example.

    5. (Optional) Under Log Management, enter the IP address and port number of your log analytics server.
      You can add or update the log analytics server information after the deployment is finished.
    6. (Optional) Under Time Management, enter one or more NTP servers to use for time synchronization.
      All VMware Integrated OpenStack virtual machines must use a single, highly available time source. If you cannot configure a time source on all ESXi hosts, you must enter an NTP server in this field.
  12. Once All properties have valid values is displayed in the upper left of the page, click Next.
  13. On the Ready to complete page, review your settings. When you are satisfied that the settings are correct, click Finish to install the vApp.
  14. Right-click the name of the VMware Integrated OpenStack vApp and select Power > Power On.
  15. Select the new Integrated OpenStack Manager virtual machine in the vApp and record its IP address.
    You can access this IP address to log in to the new Integrated OpenStack Manager through the web interface or SSH.

What to do next

Apply the VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.0.1 Patch