Autodiscovery can be used to discover SNMPv1 or v2c systems in IPv4 networks. Autodiscovery requires discovery filters. For systems that match a discovery filter and are added to the modeled topology, they too are probed for IP addresses of their neighbors. The autodiscovery cycle continues until no more new IP addresses match the discovery filters. The discovery filters, which are configurable, ensure that the IP Manager sweeps only the networks that the customer systems are configured to access. Preparing for autodiscovery consists of the following tasks as listed in Tasks to prepare for autodiscovery:

Table 1. Tasks to prepare for autodiscovery




Create seed file to seed the topology or Use Add Agent command


Autodiscovery uses the IP addresses and topology that are gathered from seed systems to discover all of the systems in the managed network. The IP addresses or system names of the seed systems are specified in a seed file or in Add Agent commands.

Create discovery filters


For autodiscovery, discovery filters determine which systems are discovered and added to the modeled topology. You must create at least one discovery filter for autodiscovery.

Specify autodiscovery safeguards


To ensure that autodiscovery does not automatically add to the modeled topology to those systems that you do not intend to manage, use one or both of the following safeguards:

Select autodiscovery data source


The Name Resolution, IP Network, and Neighbor probes contact the autodiscovery data sources to gather the topology and IP address table (ipAddrTable) MIBs of the seed systems to determine what other systems are known to the seed systems.

Enable autodiscovery


In the discussions, you will see several references to the Pending Devices list, Discovery Progress window, pending discovery, and full discovery for the IP Manager.

Chapter 3, Discovery, in the VMware Smart Assurance IP Manager Concepts Guide provides information about the Pending Devices list that appears in the Discovery Progress window, and “Scheduling automatic discovery” on page 85 provides information about pending discovery and full discovery.