Tanzu Service Mesh Service Autoscaler supports the following use cases.

  • Use Service Autoscaling Based on SLI Thresholds to meet business needs and improve microservice behaviour.

    • Using GNS Scoped autoscaler through UI or API automatically apply autoscaling policy to all matching services within a golbal namespace.

    • Service Autoscaling Based on SLI Thresholds (Using a CRD).

  • Use Tanzu Service Mesh Service Autoscaler as a Testing Tool to Understand New Service Behavior.

  • Use the Tanzu Service Mesh Service Level Objective (SLO) Feature to Track Autoscaling Impact on Services.

  • Use Actionable SLOs to Influence Autoscaling

  • Use Existing CI/CD Pipelines and GitOps Workflows to Add Autoscaling with No Code Changes

  • Use the Autoscaler in Simulation Mode to Monitor Service Behavior Without Scaling the Target Service.