The Server Manager builds a topology of the deployed vEPC components. The topology objects represent the vEPC deployed components, their relationships, and their association with the virtual infrastructure.
- EvolvedPacketCoreSubSystem: Represents the entire the vEPC solution, and comprises of three major services:
- ControlServiceFunctions: A Content Services Module VM instance running core content service functionality, including control/subscriber management processes and infrastructure tasks(statistics collection, alarms, events, and so on).
- ManagementControlFunctions: A Management Configuration Module VM instance running core processes, including node and configuration functions.
- SubscriberServiceFunctions: A Subscriber Services Module VM instance running Datapath processes and supporting infrastructure services. Responsible for receiving and transmitting packets to and from MCC, Logical IP interface termination, IPSEC, Subscriber, and APN tunnel termination processes and supporting infrastructure services
- ControlServiceFunctionsGroup: Represents of multiple ControlServiceFunctions running in Redundancy mode.
- SubscriberServiceFunctionsGroup: Representation of multiple SubscriberServiceFunctions running in Redundancy mode.
- ControlServiceFunctions: Represents three major Control Services:
- PacketDataNetworkGatewayFunction: The PacketDataNetworkGateway (PDN-GW) is responsible for connecting mobile users to the outside world. It handles the IP address allocation for UE and accounting for inter-operator charging and QoS policy enforcement and the downlink IP packets filtering into bearers and other functions.
- ServingGatewayFunction: ServingGatewayFunction (S-GW) connects the eNB to the P-GW. It acts as local mobility anchor for the UE handover. It monitors traffic for charging purpose and do the lawful interception.
- vEPCNetworkFunction: The vEPCNetworkFunction is a generic class to represent various network functions of the virtual Evolved Packet Core domain. Its components can be Connectivity protocols.
- ManagementControlFunction and SubscriberServiceFunctions consists of one major function:
- vEPCNetworkFunction: The vEPCNetworkFunction is a generic class to represent various network functions of the virtual Evolved Packet Core domain. Its components can be Connectivity protocols.
Topology Objects
Class | Key Attributes | Key Relationship | Problem and Events |
ControlServiceFunctions |
ControlServiceFunctionsGroup |
EvolvedPacketCoreSubSystem |
ManagementControlFunctions |
ManagementControlFunctionsGroup |
PacketDataNetworkGatewayFunction |
ServingGatewayFunction |
SubscriberServiceFunctions |
SubscriberServiceFunctionsGroup |
vEPCNetworkFunction |
MobilityManagementEntityFunction |
VirtualMachine |
Host |