As a Workspace ONE UEM admin, you can configure the options for the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Windows Rugged devices.

What can you do with the Windows Rugged Agent Settings page?

The path to the settings page in the Workspace ONE UEM console is Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices & Users > Windows > Windows Rugged > Agent Settings.

With the Agent Settings page, you can:
  • Configure the general settings for the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Windows Rugged.
  • Turn on the checkin and checkout feature and configure notifications, location settings, application list, certificate list, and proxy settings.
  • Configure package schedule for the AirWatch 3.3 agent, product provisioning, and enterprise wipe settings.

Determine your Organization Group hierarchy

Before you review and modify the settings, understand the two types of inheritance/override options for the organization group hierarchy available at the top and bottom of the settings page and determine your choice.
  • Current Setting – Select whether to Inherit or Override the displayed settings. Inherit means use the settings of the current organization group's parent OG, while Override enables the settings for editing so you can modify the current OG's settings directly.
  • Child Permission – Select the available behavior of child organization groups that exist below the currently selected organization group. Inherit only means child OGs are only allowed to inherit these settings. Override only means they override the settings, and Inherit or Override means you can choose to inherit or override settings in child OGs that exist below the currently selected OG.


Setting Description
Device ID Algorithm

Set the unique device identification algorithm used on the device.

  • Device ID Algorithm 3 – Hub uses the OS-provided API to generate the UDID.
  • Device ID Algorithm 5 – Along with the OS-provided API, the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub uses the MAC ID of the device to generate the UDID.
  • Device ID Algorithm 6 – Together with the OS-provided API and the MAC ID of the device, the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub also uses the serial number of the device to generate the UDID.
Heartbeat Interval (min) Set the time (in minutes) the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub waits before checking in with the Workspace ONE UEM console.
Data Sample Interval (min) Set the time (in minutes) the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub waits to collect data from the device.
Data Transmit Time Interval (min) Set the time (in minutes) the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub waits to send data collected from the device to the UEM console.
Check-In on Condition (Event) Enable to limit the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub to check-in or beacon to the UEM console only when certain conditions (Wi-Fi connection, AC Power, or NW Adapter) are met. This helps reduce bandwidth issues as devices typically meet the condition when they are stored for after hours.

Shared Devices (Check-in / Check-out)

Setting Description
Enable Shared Device Mode Select this check box to enable shared device functionality.


Setting Description
Enable Agent Installation Complete Notification Select this check box to enable or deactivate notifications for Hub installation completion.
Enable Product Install Status Notification Select this check box to enable or deactivate notifications through the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for product installation completion.


Setting Description
Collect Location Data Enable to allow the to determine the device location based on a device's Wi-Fi network. When available, the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub will report the location to the Workspace ONE UEM console using the Data Transmit Interval.

Application List

Setting Description
Applications Poll Interval (min) Set the time interval (in minutes) at which the applications list for each device will refresh on the Workspace ONE UEM console.

Certificate List

Setting Description
Certificate Poll Interval (min) Set the time interval at which the certificate list for each device will refresh on the Workspace ONE UEM console.


Setting Description
Proxy Configuration Enable to allow the configuration of a proxy settings.

Application Manager Package Scheduler (Only for AirWatch 3.3 Hub)

These settings are for the legacy Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub v3.3. Use the Application Manager Scheduler to define a schedule for devices with the AirWatch Agent v3.3 to retrieve products provisioned on schedule.
Setting Description
Add Select to create schedules for provisioning products using Products (Legacy).
Application Manager Scheduler Select the hour the product begins to push to devices.
Randomization Window (min) Select the amount of time the product is pushed. The order of devices is randomized.

Product Provisioning

Settings Descriptions
Job Log Level

Select the level of detail your job logs contain. You can choose between the following options.

Error – The log contains errors only. This setting produces the smallest amount of detail.

Warning – The log contains errors and all warnings.

Information – The log contains all errors, all warnings, and all supplemental information.

Verbose – The log contains all of the above plus the entire ledger of exchanges between the device and the server, no matter how trivial. Select this option for troubleshooting purposes. This option produces the largest log.


Settings Descriptions
Retain Agent Executables After Enterprise Wipe Enable to keep the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub executable files after an enterprise wipe command is issued to the device.