Latest Release - December 2020

What's in the Release Note

The Workspace ONE Hub Services release notes provide information on new features and enhancements.

What's New in December Release of Workspace ONE Hub Services (Cloud)

Hub App Icon Customization

Admins can now customize the Hub app icon color by picking from a list of curated colors to match your company branding. To customize the color of the icon, go to Hub Services console > Branding > Logos> Mobile App Icon and select an option from the color presets. Once the change is saved, users will see the new Hub icon color on the next launch of the Hub app.

Note: This will be supported on Hub for iOS version 20.11 and Hub for Android version 21.01

What's New in Previous Releases of Workspace ONE Hub Services (Cloud)

  • Horizon Cloud desktops and apps are supported in the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub web

    Horizon Cloud desktops and apps assignments are now available within Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub catalog on web browser for employees to view and launch. Support for Horizon Cloud apps for iOS, Android, Windows and macOS Intelligent Hub app will be added in a later app release.

  • Health Attestation Survey in the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app.

    Employees can now take a simple health survey within the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app; with the survey result triggering activation / de-activation of their employee ID for door access.  The survey is configured in Notification Builder and appears to end users as a persistent notification in the For You tab.  Integration with the Physical Access Control System (PACS) requires the Passport service and is compatible with Software House C•CURE 9000 systems.  Available on Hub for iOS, Android, Web, macOS & Windows.

  • Passport service for digital employee IDs and Health Attestation in Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub

    The Passport service integrates with HID Global’s Origo management portal and Software House C•CURE 9000 PACS to provide two critical use cases for remote-first employees.

    One, Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app can unlock any door with a supported HID card reader integrated to a C•CURE 9000 PACS; The digital badge in Hub can replace an employee’s physical badge or be used in conjunction with it as an additional unlock method.

    Two, the Passport service can enable or disable an employee’s badge access (physical and digital) based on the results of a Health Attestation survey in Hub.  Note: enabling the digital badge in Hub is not required for this use case.

Introducing Employee Onboarding - a persona-driven Hub experience for pre-hires

Workspace ONE platform and Hub Services enables organizations to deliver engaging experiences throughout the entire lifecycle of the employee. With the first persona-driven journey available in Intelligent Hub, customers can provide an enhanced pre-boarding experience as soon as an employee accepts their job offer, from Day 0 to Day1. 

Pre-hires can access apps, onboarding tasks, notifications, and self-service help via Hub Assistant all in a central location. This allows IT and HR leaders to establish connection with the employee early-on and effectively prepare them for a successful start on Day1. 

Features include

  • Secure, early access via magic link - a one-time use token that will allow pre-hire access to Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub
  • Welcome page for easy account setup - an admin-defined wizard-like flow to setup auth app (e.g. RSA)
  • Day0 Intelligent Hub web portal - a central place to complete pre-boarding tasks and access apps, notifications, Hub assistant, and more


  • This solution requires Workspace ONE Access and Hub Services and is only available on the web.
  • As a pre-req, customers are required to setup an Active Directory account for the pre-hires to grant access to Hub.

More details around pre-requisites and configuration steps can be found In in the How to Prepare a Day Zero Onboarding Experience in Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.

New mobile flow Integration for Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub

This month, we have new use cases and business system integrations for Intelligent Hub. Notifications from these third-party business systems are aggregated in one central place so users can stay productive and take actions directly within Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub. 

  • Adobe Sign – Document Pending Signature – Users can be notified when there is a document pending signature in Adobe Sign. Users can download the attachment and deep-link to Adobe Sign to sign the document.
  •  Microsoft Dynamics – Case Resolution – Users can be notified when a new case is assigned in Microsoft Dynamics. Users can resolve the case w/ comments or cancel the case.  
  • Microsoft Dynamic – Tasks – Users can be notified when a new task is assigned in Microsoft Dynamics. Users can complete or cancel the task.
  • Salesforce – Case Resolution – Users can be notified when a new case is assigned in Salesforce. Users can add comments or close the case.  
  • Salesforce – Tasks – Users can be notified when a new task is assigned in Salesforce. Users can complete the task or mark it as in-progress.
  • Zendesk – Ticket Resolution – Users can be notified when a new ticket is assigned in Zendesk. Users can solve the ticket or mark as pending.  
  • Zendesk – Task Approval – Users can be notified when a new task requires approval in Zendesk. Users can approve or deny the request w/ comments.   
  • HubSpot – New Deal or Ticket Assigned  - Users can be notified when a new deal or ticket is assigned in HubSpot. Users can add a note or log a call.

Admins will need to configure the out-of-box connectors in the Workspace ONE mobile flows catalog and enable mobile flows in Hub Services. End-users can enable or disable these notifications in the settings in the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app.

Hub Template

With Hub Templates you can control assignment of Hub Services capabilities to groups of users. This means you can now plan a slow rollout of Hub Services and its capabilities to your users. You no longer are required to enable Hub Services in one go for your entire workforce. 
Some examples of use cases where Hub Template will come in handy.

  • Different Home tab URL for Sales versus R&D users
  • Different branding for a subsidiary company
  • Notifications capability only for R&D and Sales in North America

High level steps and changes you will see in your Hub Services console.

  • Create different versions of feature configurations
  • Create one or more templates with specific versions of feature configuration
  • Assign templates to groups of employees identified by smart groups and user groups


  • The Hub Template experience is not available on Android devices at this time. This feature on Android is expected in early 2021.
  • Hub catalog toggles for iOS, Android, MacOS, and Windows Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub apps that are on the UEM console currently will now be configurable from the Hub Services console. You will have the option to migrate these settings, if applicable, from your Hub Services console.
  • The Hub Services default feature configurations are used when Hub Services is enabled and no templates are generated.
  • Requires Workspace ONE UEM 2008 and Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app clients 20.08 or later.

Migrating Workspace ONE UEM Hub Catalog Settings to Hub Services

Beginning with the Hub Services August 2020 Cloud and Workspace ONE UEM 2008 releases, management of the Workspace UEM Hub catalog settings move to the Hub Services console. You can migrate your Workspace ONE UEM Hub catalog setting to the Hub catalog settings in the Hub Services console. During migration, Hub templates are created, and the UEM Hub catalog settings are configured in the templates based on your organization group (OG) and child OGs. The Hub templates are assigned to smart groups that are set up for the OG. Users access to their Hub catalog through Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub is uninterrupted.

If you do not want to migrate your Workspace ONE UEM Hub catalog settings, you can select to discard the migration option in Hub Services and manually create Hub Templates, configure the Hub Catalog settings, and assign Workspace ONE UEM smart groups to the templates.

See Migrating Workspace ONE UEM App Catalog Settings to Hub Services

New mobile flows Integrations for Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub

This month new use cases are added to the existing Workday connector and a new Saba integration is added for Intelligent Hub. Notifications from these third-party business systems are aggregated in one central place so users can stay productive and take actions directly within Hub.

  • Workday -  Employee Data Change Approval. Managers can be notified when there is an employee data change in Workday such as business title, manager change, cost center changes, job profile change. Users can deep-link to Workday to review and approve the change.
  • Saba - New Learning Assigned.  Users can be notified when a new learning, course, curriculum, or accreditation, is assigned in Saba. Users can deep-link to Saba to view the learning.

Admins will need to configure the out-of-box connectors in the Workspace ONE mobile flows catalog and enable mobile flows in Hub Services. End-users can enable or disable these notifications in the settings in the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app.

Introducing Employee Onboarding - a persona-driven Hub experience for pre-hires - now available in Beta

Workspace ONE platform and Hub Services enables organizations to deliver engaging experiences throughout the entire lifecycle of the employee. With the first persona-driven journey available in Intelligent Hub, customers can provide an enhanced pre-onboarding experience as soon as an employee accepts their job offer, from Day 0 to Day 1.  

Pre-hires can access apps, onboarding tasks, notifications, and self-service help via Hub Assistant all in a central location. This allows IT and HR leaders to establish connection with the employee early-on and effectively prepare them for a successful start on Day 1. 

To learn more or enroll in this beta, please visit the beta program here.

New mobile flows Integrations for Intelligent Hub

This month, we have a bunch of exciting new mobile flows integrations for Intelligent Hub. Notifications from these third-party business systems are aggregated in one central place so users can stay productive and take actions directly within Hub.

  • Salesforce – New Leads Assigned. Sales users are notified when a new lead is assigned in Salesforce. Users can log call notes after contacting the lead or add a task for the day as a reminder for any necessary follow-up items.
  • Microsoft Dynamics – New Account Assigned. Sales users are notified when a new account is assigned in Microsoft Dynamics. Users can log call notes after contacting the customer or add a task for the day as a reminder for any necessary follow-up items
  • Concur – Travel Approval. Managers are notified for travel request approvals and view itinerary details directly within Hub. Users can approve or decline the request and add comments. 
  • Box Notes – New Mention. Users are notified when there is a new @-mention in a collaboration document in Box Notes. Users can reply/comment or add an additional collaborator by email address.
  • Google Docs – New Mention. Users are notified when there is a new @-mention in a collaboration document in Google Docs. Users can reply/comment or add an additional collaborator by email address.

Admins will need to configure the out-of-box connectors in the Workspace ONE mobile flows catalog and enable mobile flows in Hub Services. End-users can enable or disable these notifications in the settings in the Intelligent Hub app.

Hub Services Console Updates

To make it easier to navigate and configure different features and capabilities, we updated the Hub Services console layout. You now land on the Home page every time you open the Hub Services console. Home page is your checklist of recommended configurations.

Each of the Hub Services configurations is now on its own designated page.

  • Notifications
  • App Catalog (Previously within Customization Tab)
  • Branding  
  • Custom Tab (Previously within Customization Tab)
  • Employee Self-Service (Previously named “Help & Support”)
  • People (Previously within Customization Tab)
  • Virtual Assistance
  • System Settings

 In addition to layout updates, we updated UI components to improve experience and performance.

Persistent Notifications in For You

We heard from many of you about the need for daily corporate communication during this pandemic. To cater to this need, we are introducing a new type of notification called persistent notification. A persistent notification is a sticky notification card that will persist on top of the For You page in the Intelligent Hub for a defined duration of time. Once the duration of time defined by you expires, this sticky notification card will be moved to the History page automatically.

To generate a persistent notification, you need to set the expiration time within the "sticky" object when generating a notification using the Notifications API. See the json example below for how to set the sticky object and include expiration date and time in the notification.

"sticky": {
"until": "2020-02-18T11:27:52.667Z"

Note: This configuration is currently not available from the Notification Builder. The Notification API will need to be used to generate persistent notifications.

Updated Styling for People Capability on Web Browsers

We are excited to introduce an updated experience for People capability for the Intelligent Hub web browser. The updates match the style of the Favorites, Apps, and For You tabs introduced earlier this year, providing a clean, modern, and consistent experience.

  • Employees can use the search bar to look up colleague's information.

  • Navigation links on the People page allow for quick navigation to peers, direct reports, and mangers information.

For You – Notification Tab New Layout

Introducing “For You” which will replace the Notification tab with a brand-new modernized page layout across all platforms.  Through a series of user experiments, we discovered an obvious pattern of how employees consume information. To reflect that pattern and present notification in a way that is easy to discover what is important and easy to digest, we built the following sections for different types of notification.

  • Priority – on top of the page will display notifications that are sent as high priority (P1) to always keep what is more important on top.

  • Actionable – is for notifications that require employees to take an action such as taking a mandatory training or approving an expense report.

  • Informational – to not overwhelm users with good-to-know information, informational notifications will be at the bottom of the page. Once users view those notification cards, the badge count automatically decreases to match the innovative behavior patterns from LinkedIn and other popular applications.

In addition to the new simplified layout, we also introduced new Actionable and Informational notification types in the Hub Services console to help admins build notifications easily.

Urgent (P0) notification functionality remains the same. The weekly New App Notification will be grouped under the Informational section.

Efficient discovery of relevant information and tasks will result in productivity gain. Our rich notification card format can also increase user engagement.

Favorite Tab View Response Improved

See the KB article 78760, Apps are not appearing instantly in the favorites tab in Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.

New Skill for Hub Assistant: Sync Enrolled Devices (UEM)

For customers leveraging Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) capabilities of Workspace ONE, we often see that updates to profiles and certificates can impact the end-user experience. End-users might not know that their enrolled device received or requires an update in order to get access to corporate resources. That is why, as an extension of our self-service support capabilities, we’ve built a new skill for Hub Assistant to help troubleshoot device issues. The Sync Device skill allows user to retrieve a list of all their enrolled devices, choose the device they are having issues with, and initiate the sync of the device.  

To take advantage of this new skill, admins will need to:

  1. Download the new Watson training set located here and import it to your IBM Watson instance.
  2. Configure the out-of-box UEM connector in the Workspace ONE mobile flows catalog.
  3. Enable Hub Assistant and Mobile Flows in the Hub Services admin console.

New App notifications can now be disabled

New app notifications are great for keeping employees informed about new apps that they recently were given access to, but we recognize that in certain situations you might want to turn off those notifications. To account for such scenarios, we added capability to let IT admins disable the New App Notifications setting. New App Notifications are on by default. You can navigate to the Notifications Settings page in the Hub Services console to turn it off.

App Tab all new layout on the Web

We are excited to introduce an all-new layout for Hub catalog in the web browser.  The updates match the style of the Favorites Tab introduced previously and improve the user experience overall.

  • App categories are now located at the top of the catalog
  • All app views are responsive grid layouts with no more app list views
  • New breadcrumb navigation to easily move between app categories
  • Improved All Apps layout for customers with simple catalogs

New mobile flows integrations for Intelligent Hub

This month, we have a bunch of exciting new mobile flows integrations available for the Intelligent Hub app.

  • Microsoft OneDrive – users can receive notifications to approve file/folder access requests from OneDrive/SharePoint directly in Intelligent Hub. Users can approve with read-only/editing rights or decline the request.
  • Microsoft Teams – users can receive notifications for @-mentions in a Team. Users can reply to the message directly in Intelligent Hub. (Note: This is intended for non-power users as this notification could get noisy.)
  • Microsoft Planner – users can receive notifications for newly assigned tasks. Users can choose to comment on the task or mark it as complete.
  • LinkedIn Learning – users can receive notifications for new training that is available. The card will contain a link so users can view the course.

Admins will need to configure the out-of-box connectors in the Workspace ONE mobile flows catalog and enable mobile flows in Hub Services. End-users can enable or disable these notifications in the settings in the Intelligent Hub app.

New skills for Hub Assistant: Order Devices and Search Trainings

The Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub virtual assistant provides a conversational interface to help employees get answers to questions and complete workflows. It leverages the Workspace ONE mobile flows platform to integrate with third-party systems, similar to Hub Notifications.

We added 2 new skills that Hub Assistant can help with.

  • Order devices through ServicNow – Users can select devices by category from the ServiceNow catalog (Desktops, Laptops, Mobiles, Tablets), view device details, and add items to the shopping cart. Upon checkout, this creates a ticket for the user and go through normal approval flows.
  • Search trainings by keyword in LinkedIn Learning – Users can ask Hub Assistant to search for trainings available on LinkedIn Learning based on a skill, subject, or software. Hub Assistant will return the top 3 results which will deep-link users to the business system to view the training.

Admins will need to configure the out-of-box connectors in the Workspace ONE mobile flows catalog and enable mobile flows and Hub Assistant in the Hub Services console.

New mobile flows integration with Workday for Intelligent Hub

With the latest mobile flows integration available for Intelligent Hub, managers can now receive notifications from Workday for employee absence approval requests. You can view details on the requested time off and take actions to approve, deny, or comment on the notification directly within the Intelligent Hub app.

Configure the out-of-box connector for Workday in the Workspace ONE mobile flows catalog and enable mobile flows in Hub Services to allow your employees to approve leave requests directly from the Intelligent Hub app.

New app notification now includes Okta apps

If you enabled the Okta integration for your environment, the weekly new app notification now includes Okta apps.

New Notification Capabilities

  • You can now configure a default image for custom notifications that can be aligned to your company's logo.  This means time savings for you since you no longer have to specify a custom image every time you are creating a notification.  Just add you custom image on the notifications settings page. If you do not set a custom default notification image on the settings page, the Hub icon is used.
  • When creating custom notifications, you now have an option to upload an image. If you do not want to upload an image, you have an option to specify an image URL.  If you do neither, the default notification image is used.
  • Custom notifications with attachments can now be created.  Each notification can be configured to have up to 10 attachments.

New App Notification Enhancement

We recognize that getting a new app notification daily can be overwhelming.  As a result, we are changing the frequency of the new app notification from daily to weekly.  Your employees will receive weekly new app digest notifications.

Introducing Hub Assistant - A Virtual Assistant that Empowers a Better Employee Experience

The Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub Assistant is a virtual assistant that can help employees complete workflows and find answers to company questions through a friendly, conversational chatbot experience. The virtual assistant is powered by IBM Watson for natural language processing and uses Workspace ONE mobile flows to integrate with third-party systems.

In this release, Hub Assistant is trained to do the following.

  • File a support ticket in ServiceNow
  • Check the status of a ticket in ServiceNow
  • Answer common questions, such as What is my corporate credit card policy?
    • Hub Assistant has an embedded Search skill to query documents, KBs and other repositories using Watson's Discovery service. You will need to upload your company's documents and resources and train Discovery on the data set to provide relevant answers to your employees' questions.

Note: The Hub Assistant chatbot is available with Hub iOS 19.12 and on the web portal. Android support will follow.

Favorite Apps Section is Now Its Own Tab

Users mark their apps as favorite so that they can easily access them again and again. To help them have full access to their favorite apps, the Favorites section is relocated from the catalog tab to its own dedicated tab on the Intelligent Hub portal.  With this update, users can go directly to the Favorite tab to access their most commonly used web and virtual apps. The toggle setting for turning Favorites on and off is in the Hub Services console Customization page.

Notifications Can Be Sent as Urgent

A notification marked as Urgent can be used to alert users of important updates that require their immediate attention. Urgent messages block access to the Intelligent Hub app until users act on the notification.

Note: To view Urgent notification, Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app 19.10 or later must be installed on iOS and Android devices. Mac support will follow in a later release. On macOS devices, when a notification is marked as Urgent, users see it as a high-priority notification.

Notification Builder Usability Enhancements

  • Configuring the Completed Action Button textbox is no longer required when a notification is repeatable. Only the Action Button text is displayed.
  • When creating custom notifications, you now receive a warning message when the notification message is too large. The maximum size limit of a notification message is 399 KB.

End User Experience Enhancements for Notifications

Notifications are a great way for employees to stay on top of their work. We have made enhancements to improve the experience even further.

  • Notification cards now support attachments. Users can now view attachments such as images or receipts (in the case of Concur expense approval notifications) within the notification long card. The out-of-box mobile flows connectors for Coupa, Concur, and ServiceNow will be updated to return associated attachments for the approval notifications as part of the mobile flows release.
  • You will be able to add a hyperlink to the title and subtitle in notification cards. This gives you the flexibility to link external pages from the title and subtitle.

Note:Notification cards with attachment will be supported on the iOS, Android, and Mac Intelligent Hub app in an upcoming release. Support for creating attachments and adding hyperlinks to title and subtitle of the notifications card will be added to the notifications builder in an upcoming Hub Services release.

End User Self-Service Help Can be Customized from the Help & Support Page in the Hub Services Console

A new Support tab is added in the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub browser view. 

  • Users can monitor and manage their devices from the Support page > My Device section. They can see detailed information about their devices, add  new devices, and install new profiles. Add Device and Install profiles are enabled by default in the Help & Support page.
  • Users can view the Helpful Links section in the Support tab to find links to direct them to internal or external sites and knowledge base articles for self-service help. In the Help & Support page, you create the links that you want to promote to give users a chance to look for solutions to issues before reaching out to your support team.
  • You can also customize the Support tab name. 

The option to view the Support tab in the browser is on by default in this release.  You can disable this option in the Hub Services Console Help and Support page.

Note: The Support tab view will be available on iOS and Android devices in the next release of the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app.

Color Picker Tool is Now Available to Make It Easy to Find the Perfect Color

The Branding page in the Hub Service console now includes a color picker to select the exact color to use to define the branding for Intelligent Hub web browser, desktop, and mobile views.


Hub Notifications Support with Workspace ONE UEM Authentication Mode

You can now use engaging notifications capability within the Intelligent Hub app with UEM authentication mode. This means you do not have to configure and implement VMware Identity Manager for your users to get out-of-box new app notifications for UEM apps and to get custom notifications that you can generate using our notifications builder wizard. You can learn more about Notifications in the Configure and Manage VMware Workspace ONE Hub Services for Intelligent Hub publication, Using the Hub Notifications Service.


  • Switching the authentication mode from UEM to VMware Identity Manager after enabling the notifications functionality will result in your employees losing older notifications that they received when the authentication mode was set to UEM.
  • Intelligent Hub iOS 19.07 or later and Intelligent Hub Android 19.08 or later is required for push notifications to work correctly.

Notification Builder Enhancements

The Notifications Builder that was released last month now includes some new features to make it even easier for you to create custom notifications for your employees to keep them updated about system maintenance down times, corporate communications like all-hands, security training, and more.

  • You can now view the details of the notification you created for your users from the Notifications page Status list.
  • When you configure the URL to display an image in a notification, the image appears in the notification Preview.
  • When Hub Services is configured for a VMware Identity Manager tenant, only the Target Audience Types that can be used are in the menu.

Notifications Builder

  • Custom notifications for Intelligent Hub can now be created easily for your employees through an easy to use notifications creation wizard accessible from the Hub Services console Notifications page. No need to build scripts using APIs to generate custom notifications.
  • Note  If the notification builder page is not visible in the Hub Services console, the AirWatch API certificate that you uploaded to the VMware Identity Manager for authentication might not be configured with the correct administrator role.  The AirWatch API certificate role must be configured as console administrator, AirWatch administrator, or system administrator.  In the Workspace ONE UEM console, edit the certificate to update the role.

Hub Services Features Available with Workspace ONE Access On Premises

For a description of the Hub Services features that lets you set up how employees use the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app see the What's New descriptions in the Workspace ONE Access release notes


Web Browser Supported

  • Mozilla Firefox, latest version

  • Google Chrome 42.0 or later

  • Internet Explorer 11

  • Safari 6.2.8 or later

  • Microsoft Edge, latest version

VMware Product Interoperability Matrix provides details about the compatibility of current and previous versions of VMware products and components, such as  Horizon 8.


Hub Services is available in the following languages

English Arabic
Czech Danish
German French
Spanish Italian
Dutch Japanese
Korean Hebrew
Polish Brazilian Portuguese
Swedish Turkish
Russian Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese  


Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub App and Hub Services documentation is in the  Workspace ONE Documentation center.

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