A simple search checks all types of objects for a specified search term within the object name.


  1. From the vSphere Client Home screen sidebar menu, click New Search
  2. Type the search term in the search box and press Enter.
    Multiple search terms in a quick or simple search are treated as if they are connected by ORs. For example, searching for example machine finds all objects with names containing either "example" or "machine".
    The search results are listed in a table. If differing types of objects are found, the table contains tabs for each type of object. For example, if a search finds hosts and virtual machines, the following tabs appear: Hosts, showing only host results and Virtual Machines, showing only virtual machine results.
  3. (Optional) To see additional information about the object, select the object in the results table.
  4. (Optional) To display an item in the inventory, double-click that item in the search results.