The VMware Cloud Flex Storage pre-deployment checklist can help guide you as you deploy the service.

Before You Begin

VMware Cloud Flex Storage does not support organization level IP Allow List authentication policies. If IP Allow Lists are enabled in your organization, it might prevent you from mounting your first datastore. If your organization leverages the organization level IP “Allow List” feature, contact support prior to deployment for assistance.

Gaining Access to VMware Cloud Flex Storage

Before you can deploy VMware Cloud Flex Storage, you have to request access to the service.
Pre-deployment tip:

Prior to Creating First Subscription

Choose between purchasing a 1-year or a 3-year term subscription, and pay either monthly or up front. For more information on costs, see the pricing page.
Pre-deployment tip:
  • When you create a subscription, you choose a 'subscription region' that encompasses several AWS regions. Select a subscription region that covers the AWS regions where you have deployed SDDCs, or plan to deploy them. For a list of currently supported regions, see Available AWS Regions.
  • Decide if you want to pay upfront or in monthly installments, and how many TiB to purchase. For each datastore you create, there is a 25 TiB minimum to cover the cost of creating a datastore in the region. Because of this requirement, we recommend buying a minimum 25 TiB storage capacity subscription to avoid overages. (Minimum amount to purchase is 5 TiB.)

Prior to Activating First Region

VMware Cloud Flex Storage provides cloud storage for your VMware Cloud SDDCs, so you activate regions and create subscriptions for regions where you have (or plan to have) SDDCs.

Pre-deployment tip:
  • The region you activate is the location where VMware Cloud Flex Storage is deployed and where you want to create datastores.
  • If you already have a subscription created, or are planning on creating one in the future, be sure that the subscription region matches your storage region location.

Preparing Your Organization for VMware Cloud Flex Storage

To prepare your organization for using VMware Cloud Flex Storage, make sure have an SDDC deployed and running in the region you activated before you create your first datastore.

Inviting Users and Granting Roles

To provide others in your organization access to the VMware Cloud Flex Storage UI, you need to invite them to your organization and grant them the proper credentials and role assignment. For more information on roles, see Roles and Permissions.

Organization ID User Email VMware Cloud Flex Storage Role