The following set of procedures must be performed in the protected VMware Cloud Foundation instance using the relevant VMware Cloud Foundation Planning and Preparation Workbook .
What to read next
Create a Site Pair Between the Protected and Recovery VMware Cloud Foundation Instances To use vSphere Replication and Site Recovery manager between the protected and recovery VMware Cloud Foundation instances, you create a new site pair.
Configure Mappings between the Protected and the Recovery VMware Cloud Foundation Instances Configure resource mappings between the protected and the recovery VMware Cloud Foundation instances to provide failover of the clustered Workspace ONE Access, VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle , VMware Aria Operations , and VMware Aria Automation .
Configure Replication, Create a Protection Group and a Recovery Plan for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle and Clustered Workspace ONE Access for Site Protection and Disaster Recovery for VMware Cloud Foundation Configure the replication of the virtual machines of the clustered Workspace ONE Access instance and VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle . Create a protection group and a recovery plan to support failover to the recovery VMware Cloud Foundation instance. Replica virtual machines become active upon failover.
Customize the Recovery Plan for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle and the Clustered Workspace ONE Access for Site Protection and Disaster Recovery for VMware Cloud Foundation After you create the recovery plan, configure the startup priority and the startup and shutdown options for the virtual machines of the clustered Workspace ONE Access and VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle . You deactivate power on for the clustered Workspace ONE Access virtual machines as you use VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle to orchestrate the power on.
Configure Replication, Create a Protection Group and a Recovery Plan for VMware Aria Operations Analytics Cluster for Site Protection and Disaster Recovery for VMware Cloud Foundation Configure the replication of the virtual machines that participate in the analytics cluster of the VMware Aria Operations . Create a protection group and a recovery plan to support failover to the recovery VMware Cloud Foundation instance. Replica virtual machines become active upon failover. You create a protection group and recovery plan along with the replication.
Customize the Recovery Plan for VMware Aria Operationsfor Site Protection and Disaster Recovery for VMware Cloud Foundation After you create the recovery plan, configure the startup priority, the startup and shutdown options for the virtual machines of the analytics cluster. After failover or planned migration, the primary node of VMware Aria Operations must start first.
Configure Replication, Create a Protection Group and a Recovery Plan for VMware Aria Automationfor Site Protection and Disaster Recovery for VMware Cloud Foundation Configure the replication of the virtual machines of the VMware Aria Automation . Create a protection group and a recovery plan to support failover to the recovery VMware Cloud Foundation instance. Replica virtual machines become active upon failover.
Customize the Recovery Plan for VMware Aria Automationfor Site Protection and Disaster Recovery for VMware Cloud Foundation After you create the recovery plan, configure the startup priority, the startup and shutdown options for the virtual machines of VMware Aria Automation .
Back up OVF Properties of Protected Virtual Machines in the Protected VMware Cloud Foundation Instance Site Recovery Manager and vSphere Replication do not replicate OVF properties from the protected virtual machines to the recovery placeholder virtual machines. To ensure proper virtual machine operation after failover, you save the OVF properties of the protected virtual machines to later configure them on the corresponding placeholder virtual machines in the recovery VMware Cloud Foundation instance.