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You can view and manage a VMware Data Services Manager environments from the Environment view.

Onboarding Environments to VMware Data Services Manager
Figure 1. Onboarding Environments to VMware Data Services Manager

The Environment view includes information about the onboarded vSphere environments:

  • The Agent VM IP identifies the IP Address of the Agent VM.
  • The Version column identifies the version of the Agent running on the Agent VM.
  • The Status column identifies the current status of the environment.
  • The vCenter IP identifies the network address or FQDN of the vCenter server instance.
  • The Network identifies the Control Plane Network configured when the Agent was onboarded.
  • The Cluster identifies the name of the vCenter cluster on which compute resources for provisioned databases will reside.
  • The Datacenter identifies name of the vCenter data center in which the environment resides.

You can perform actions on an environment after you onboard it.

Actions on Onboarded Environments of VMware Data Services Manager
Figure 2. Actions on Onboarded Environments of VMware Data Services Manager

Supported Actions

Actions that you can perform on a VMware Data Services Manager environment include:

  • Adding an environment to your installation. An Organization Administrator performs this operation.
  • Deleting an environment to repair an onboarding issue. A Provider Administrator or Organization Administrator can perform this operation.
  • Updating vCenter Credentials to change Administrator and Read-Only usernames and paswords for vCenter. A Provider Administrator or Organization Administrator can perform this operation.
  • On-Demand Synching with vCenter Resources to update onboarded environments with resource modifications done in the vCenter by a vCenter administrator.
  • Updating Networks to change Application Networks and Control Plane Network for an environment. A Provider Administrator or Organization Administrator can perform this operation.
  • Updating VM Datastores to change VM Datastores used by an environment. A Provider Administrator or Organization Administrator can perform this operation.
  • Updating Template Storage to change Template Storage used by an environment. A Provider Administrator or Organization Administrator can perform this operation.
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