As a Partner Super user, you can manage the Partner Customers, configure the customer capabilities and other customer settings using the Manage Customers tab in the Partner portal.

In the Partner portal, click Manage Customers > Actions to perform the following activities.

  • New Customer: Creates a new customer. See Create New Partner Customer.
  • Clone Customer: Creates a new customer, by cloning the existing configurations from the selected customer. See Clone a Partner Customer.
  • Modify Customer: Navigates to the System Settings in the Enterprise portal, where you can configure other settings corresponding to the selected customer. You can also click a customer name to navigate to the Enterprise portal. For more information see the VMware SD-WAN Administration Guide.
  • Delete Customer: Deletes the selected customers. Ensure that you have removed all the Edges associated to the selected customer, before deleting the customer.
  • Support Email: Selected Customer: Sends customer support messages to the selected customer.
  • Assign software image - Adds a software image for the selected customers.
    Note: This option is available only for Partner Customers with Edge Image Management feature-enabled.
  • Update Edge Image Management - Allows you to activate or deactivate the Edge Image Management feature for the selected customers.
  • Update Customer Alerts: Allows to activate or deactivate the alerts for the selected customers.
  • Export All Customers: Exports the details of all the customers in the Partner portal to a CSV file. The default separator used is comma (,) and you can choose to edit the separator to any other special character.
  • Export Customer Edge Inventory - Exports the inventory details of all the Edges associated with all the customers to a CSV file. The default separator used is comma (,) and you can choose to edit the separator to any other special character.