A notification can be in one of five states. If the Event State column in your Notification Log view is displayed, you can view the event state. The five event states are:

  • UNINITIALIZED — The original event state of a notification.

    The UNINITIALIZED state is not visible in the console because, like any client, the console does not receive uninitialized notifications.

  • ACTIVE — The event state of a notification when an event occurs and the notification informs (notifies) a client of the event.

    When a notification is notified, the event state changes from the current value to ACTIVE. The notification displays in the Global Console unless an administrator sets a notification list filter that prevents it from displaying.

  • SUSPENDED — The event state of a notification when the Global Manager can no longer receive information about an active notification (for example, an agent is not responding).

    In this case, the notification remains active although its event state changes to SUSPENDED and its severity level changes to Unknown (severity=4).


    The SUSPENDED attribute is not applicable when the Broadcast Event State on Restart parameter system default is configured to FALSE. The “Defining System Defaults” section of the VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Configuration Guide provides detailed information.

  • WAS_ACTIVE — The event state of a notification when an underlying Manager disconnects from a Global Manager (due to a network outage, for example) or a Global Manager is restarted.

    In this case, the notification remains active although its event state changes to WAS_ACTIVE. If the session connection cannot be re-established, the severity level also changes to Unknown (severity=4).

    Once the session connection is re-established and the notification is re-notified, the WAS_ACTIVE state changes back to ACTIVE. If an underlying Manager fails to re-notify an active notification, the system clears the event and state of the notification changes from WAS_ACTIVE to INACTIVE.


    The WAS_ACTIVE attribute is not applicable when the Broadcast Event State on Restart parameter system default is configured to FALSE. The “Defining System Defaults” section of the VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Configuration Guide provides detailed information.

  • INACTIVE — The event state of a notification when a notification has stopped occurring. When a notification is in the INACTIVE state, it is said to be cleared.

    Summary of event states summarizes possible event states of a notification and columns that might appear in your console.

Table 1. Summary of event states

Event State column

Active column

Severity column



Can be severity levels 1–5



Severity level 4



Severity level 4



Severity level from when notification was active


The UNINITIALIZED event state is not visible in the console.

“Notification severityâ€� on page 57 includes a description of icons that correspond to severity levels.