A single Global Managercan support most Service Assurancedeployments, but there are cases where multiple Global Managers are required. Use Determining the required Service Assurance Configuration to determine the Service Assuranceconfiguration required to support your managed environment. The first three columns in Determining the required Service Assurance Configuration identify the quantities that will determine the Service Assuranceconfiguration:

  • The Managed devices and applications column details the total quantity that will be managed in the Service Assurancedeployment. This number should include estimates for growth.

  • The Underlying domains column details the total number of domains that will feed topology and events to the Service Assurancedeployment.

  • The Concurrently connected clients column details the total number of Service Assuranceclients that will be connected concurrently, including Global Consoles, Web Consoles, Dashboard viewlets, and any adapters that connect to the Global Managerdirectly.

Table 1. Determining the required Service Assurance configuration

Using the quantities for the managed environment

Use this Service Assuranceconfiguration

Managed devices and applications

Underlying domains

Concurrently connected clients

Global Manager configuration

Global Managerplatform equipment tier

Aggregation layer (if used)

Presentation layer (if used)

0 to 2,000

(small deployment)

≤ 10

≤ 100




Basic Hierarchical




≤ 100




Basic hierarchical



2,001 to 6,000 (medium deployment)

≤ 10

≤ 100




Basic hierarchical




≤ 100




Basic hierarchical



6,001 to 12,000 (large deployment)

≤ 10

≤ 100

Basic hierarchical




Hierarchical presentation


All medium

+ 10

≤ 100

Hierarchical aggregation

All medium



Hierarchical Mesh

All large

All Large

12,001 to 20,000 (extra large deployment)

≤ 10

≤ 100

Basic hierarchical




Hierarchical presentation

Extra large

All large

+ 10

≤ 100

Hierarchical aggregation

All large

Extra large


Hierarchical mesh

All extra large

All extra large

Above 20,000 devices

deployments in this range are currently in production. Consult with Professional Services for aid in this design.

The columns in the Use this Service Assurance configuration section define recommendations to support the deployment:

  • The Global Managerconfiguration column details the recommendation for the number of Global Managers, either a single one (Standard) or multiple (any of the hierarchical configurations). If a hierarchical configuration is recommended, the specific structure is also defined. The Global Managerconfigurations are explained in the following sections.

  • The Global Managerplatform equipment tier columns define the hardware that is required to support the Global Managers. For hierarchical configurations, two layers of Global Managers are defined: an aggregation layer and a presentation layer. Domain Managers connect to a Global Managerat the aggregation layer while Service Assuranceclients connect to a Global Managerat the presentation layer. The table indicates the equipment required to support each layer. “Hardware for Service Assurance platform equipment tiers” provides definitions for the equipment tiers.

    Determining the required Service Assurance Configuration defines Service Assurance configurations for coherent deployments. It is possible to create separate deployments in a managed environment that do not feed events and topology to a single, central Global Manager. If this is the case, each of these deployments must be treated separately with distinct Global Manager configurations based on unique quantities for first three columns in Determining the required Service Assurance Configuration.