You can add or edit a pricing policy and use the policy to determine the cost of virtual machines.


  1. Log in to vRealize Business for Cloud as an administrator.
    • https://vRealize_Automation_host_name/vcac/org/tenant_URL (for the vRealize Automation integrated setup)
    • https://vRealize_Business_for_Cloud_host_name/itfm-cloud (for the vRealize Business for Cloud standalone setup)
  2. Click Business Management.
  3. Expand Consumption.
  4. Select Pricing, click Edit, and select Edit Pricing.
  5. Select the Private Cloud (vSphere) tab.
  6. Expand a policy, custom policies, or any private cloud provider.
    You can add a custom policy or edit any policy.
  7. Select the Compute or Storage tabs.
  8. Perform one of the following.
    • To add a custom policy, click Add and enter the policy name in the Add Custom Pricing Policy dialog box.
    • To edit a cloud provider policy, expand the policy.
  9. To save the custom policy or edit the cloud provider policy, perform the following steps.
    1. Click Edit next to the Infrastructure option and select an infrastructure. For more information, see the Edit Identification Infrastructure section in the guide.
    2. Enter the compute rate and storage rate for the policy.

      For vCloud Director policies that use the allocation pool model, you can add overage pricing for compute resources (CPU, memory). The overage pricing is a differential charge that applies to the Organization vDC where the compute resources that are used are more than the guaranteed resources. The overage rates apply to the compute resources.

      Optionally, you can select the following.

      • Use VM Instance Based Pricing for a PAYG policy.
      • Use storage policy to determine storage price.
    3. To add a calculation method and rate for additional services, click Edit next to the Additional Charges. For more information see, Add Additional Charges section in the guide.
      • You see the running cost for CPU, memory, and storage resources. Running cost is calculated based on the allocation or utilization pricing method that you configure on the Administration tab (Calculation Preferences > Pricing Methodology at Resource Level) for each resource. Running cost is calculated based on the number of VMs present in the infrastructure and not based on the number of VMs that belong to the pricing policy.
      • If you have set the allocation pricing method for CPU, you see the vCPU daily price and if you have set the utilization pricing method, you see the GHz CPU daily price. For vCloud Director pricing policies, irrespective of the selected pricing method, you see the GHZ CPU daily price.
      • Additional charges applied to the vCloud Director: ORG, ORG_VDC, and VAPP inventory items are not applicable to the VMs of vCloud Director PAYG policies.
    4. Click Save.
      The pricing policy is created. By default, the policy is deactivated, which means inactive. The inactivate policies are not charged during pricing.
    5. To activate the policy, select Active.
      You can deactivate the policy by selecting Inactivate.
      Note: If you have modified a policy or created a custom policy, the number of VMs for the policy are displayed accurately after 24 hours.