Bridging can be cleared manually if it was not cleared during rollback or cleanup.
Run the migration with bridging
Log in to NSX-T UI
Check the EdgeClusterName from User Input yml file.
Go to NSXT > System > Fabric > Nodes > Edge Clusters.
Look for the edge cluster that was specified in the User Input yml file and note all the Edge Transport Nodes that are part of this cluster.
Go to Edge Transport Nodes, select Node identified from the previous step and copy the Node ID.
Go to Networking > Segments > Profiles > Edge Bridge Profiles.
Filter the edge bridge profiles using the ID copied from the previous step.
Delete Bridge-Endpoint-Profile.
Go to Edge Transport Nodes again and click the node which is being used for bridging.
Click Edit.
Repeat these steps for all the Org VDC networks & Edge transport nodes involved.
Once the transport zone (Bridge-Migration-TZ-xxxx) is removed from all the edge transport nodes that were being used for bridging, delete the transport zone ID from the terminal.