This installation procedure describes the procedure of Smarts-UI installation in the Graphical Interface.


  1. Ensure that you have a login with root privileges to run the installer.
  2. Download the installation file from support page and place it in a temporary location on the server.


  1. Login to the server as root.
  2. Type bash smartsui-install.bin –i to gui to run the installer graphical mode, press Enter.
  3. Click Next to continue when introduction to the installer appears.
    Installer prompts to choose an install folder.
  4. Choose a location and click Next to continue.
    This is the location where smarts-ui will be installed. Default is /opt/ smarts-ui.
  5. If install folder already contains smarts-ui folder, choose from the following options:
    • Click Yes to override the already installed folder.


    • Click No to choose a new Installation directory.


    • Click Cancel to cancel the Installation.
  6. Installer prompts for VIDM configuration.
    1. Enter the Client ID.
    2. Enter the Shared Secret.
    3. Enter VIDM Host Name. Default is
    4. Enter the Auth application Port. Default port is 8082.This is the port where auth application starts.
    5. Click Next to continue.

    For VIDM configuration refer vidm.docx.

    Installer throws validation error and redirects to the beginning of this step to enter the configurations if any input filed left blank.

  7. Installer prompts to enter the cAPI configuration.Enter cAPI IP Address in the format <IP-ADDRESS:PORT> and click Next to continue.
    Default value for this fields is The port number is cAPI listener port provided during cAPI Installation.

    If the input is in wrong format, installer throws validation error and redirects to the beginning of this step to enter the configurations.

  8. Choose ssl.conf directory and click Next to continue when installer prompts to choose the ssl.conf folder location.
    Default value is /etc/httpd/conf.d
    Note: If ssl.conf is not existing on the directory, installer throws an error and redirects to the beginning of step 8 to re-enter the configuration.
  9. Choose from the selections (Yes/No) to enable or disable KPI Designer in UI when Installer prompts to enable KPI.
    Select Yes to enable KPI Designer in UI.
    Note: If you select Yes, ensure that K4M is already installed.


    Select No to disable KPI Designer in UI.
    Note: If you select No, refer Enabling KPI Designer in UI section to enable KPI manually
  10. Installer prompts to enter KPI REST API IP and PORT if you select Yes in step 9. Provide KPI REST API IP and PORT and click Next to continue.
    Default value is is the address where KPI is running.

    Installer throws validation error and redirects to the beginning of this step to enter IP Address if IP Address input filed left blank.

  11. Click Install to continue the installation when installer shows the pre-install summary.
    Installation continues.
  12. Click Done to exit the installer when installer displays as completed.
    Installation is completed.

What to do next

After successful Smart-UI installation, follow the steps provided in Export VIDM Certificate section to export and import VIDM certificates.