When the underlying software of your CNF has a new release, you can update the software images (Docker images) of your CNF instance to the latest version.


  • You must be a System Administrator or a Network Function Deployer to perform this task.
  • Ensure that the new software version is available in Harbor.
Note: Do not use the Update operation if there are structural changes to your CNF such as changes in dependency, or when you add or remove charts.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Select Inventory > Network Function and select the CNF to update.
  3. Click the symbol against the CNF and select Update.
  4. In the Update Revision tab, select the CNF catalog to update to. The Descriptor version updates automatically based on your selection.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Inventory Detail tab, select the repository for your CNF.
  7. In the Inputs tab, update the instantiation properties, if any.
  8. In the Review tab, review the updates.
  9. Click Update.


The new version of the CNF instance is installed in the workload cluster. The CNF instance points to the new catalog version.