You can monitor the upgrade status for TCA-CP systems through the TCA-CP Upgrade Manager interface in VMware Telco Cloud Automation.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Navigate to Administration > TCA-CP Upgrade Manager and click TCA-CP Groups.
    The system displays the list of groups.
  3. Click a group name.
    The group information window lists the TCA-CP systems belonging to the group. The system information includes the System Name, System ID, Version, Upgrade Status, and Schedule Status.
  4. Review the Recent Upgrade Status and Schedule Status charts for an overview of the upgrade progress.
    Note: The status is empty if the TCA-CP system has no upgrade history.
    Option Description
    Status Chart Description
    Upgrade Status Provides the status of the most recent scheduled upgrade.
    • Downloading - Indicates the number of systems that have started the download.
    • Downloaded- Indicates the number of systems that have completed the download.
    • Running - Specifies the number of systems installing the upgrade.
    • Complete - Indicates the number of systems that fully completed the upgrade.
    • Failed - Specifies how many systems were not upgraded during the scheduled time.
    Schedule Status Provides the schedule synchronization status. When you add a group schedule, it is updated on each of the systems belonging to the group.
    • In-Progress - Identifies the number of systems receiving the schedule information.
    • Scheduled - Specifies the number of systems that have been updated with the latest schedule.
    • Failed - Indicates the number of systems the were not updated with the latest schedule.
  5. Review the individual system information for more a detailed look at the TCA-CP system upgrade history and activity.
    1. Go to the Systems section of the page and review the Upgrade Status and Schedule Status columns for the member system.
    2. Click the menu (vertical ellipsis) icon preceding the TCA-CP system entry.
      A pop-up window appears with selections for Upgrade History and Activity History.
    3. Choose from the selections to review TCA-CP system information:
    System History Description
    Upgrade Provides the history of software version updates on the TCA-CP system. The Status column lists the current state of the upgrade: Downloading, Downloaded, Complete, Running, Failed.
    Note: One cause of a failure might be that the maintenance window was not long enough to complete the upgrade operation. Check the upgrade history start and stop time, and messages for more information.
    Activity Provides status information about schedule updates applied on the system from TCA-CP Upgrade Manager.
    • Type - Identifies the schedule change applied on the TCA-CP system.
    • Status - Indicates the state of the change applied on the system: Initiated, Running, Failed, Complete.
      Note: A failure can indicate that the system was down or unresponsive. Check the connectivity of the systems using Link Last Communicated.
    • Message - Provides additional information about the change status.
    • Schedule Name - Identifies the name of the schedule in the group that originated the change.
    • Timezone and Frequency - Provides information about the schedule.