You can use Automation Assembler to enable remote version control of extensibility actions.

By creating an integration with a remote GitHub or GitLab repository, you can manage the version history of your Automation Assembler extensibility actions.

Also, you can use Git to manage Automation Assembler cloud templates. For more information on using Git integration and Automation Assembler cloud templates, see Configure GitLab cloud template integration in Automation Assembler and Configure GitHub integration in Automation Assembler.


  • An existing GitHub or GitLab repository.
  • Extract an applicable access token for your GItHub or GitLab instance. For information on generating a GitHub access token, see the GitHub documentation. For information on generating a GitLab access token, see the GitLab documentation.


  1. Create a Git integration in Automation Assembler.
    1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Connections > Integrations > Add Integration.
    2. Select GitHub or GitLab.
    3. Enter a name and description for the integration
    4. Enter the server URL.
    5. Enter the access token for your Git instance.
    6. Click Validate.
    7. (Optional) Add capability tags. For more information see, Using capability tags in Automation Assembler.
    8. Click Add.
  2. Add your repository to the Git integration.
    1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Connections > Integrations and select the previously created Git integration.
    2. Select the Projects tab.
    3. Click Add Project .
    4. Select your extensibility project and click Next.
    5. Enter the path to your Git repository. Typically, the path is the user name of the main account appended to the repository name.
    6. Enter the branch of your Git repository that you want to use.
    7. (Optional) Enter an appropriate folder. If this text box is left blank, all folders are available.
    8. Under the Type drop-down menu, select Action Based Scripts.
    9. To finish adding the repository, click Next.


Changes to the extensibility actions in your project are saved in the integrated Git repository.

Note: Any changes to extensibility actions or actions scripts pushed directly to the integrated Git repository are picked up automatically by the extensibility action version history in Automation Assembler.