NSX Malware Prevention supports multiple file categories for both local file analysis and cloud file analysis.

The following file categories are supported:
  • Executable
  • Document
  • Script
  • Archive
  • Data
  • Media
  • Other

On the Distributed Firewall, NSX Malware Prevention feature is supported for both Windows and Linux guest endpoints (VMs).

On the Distributed Firewall, NSX Malware Prevention supports both detection and prevention of malware. However, on the Gateway Firewall, only detection of malware is supported.

Note: NSX Malware Prevention service is currently supported on guest VMs that use these file systems: NTFS, ext2, ext3, ext4, NFS, and CIFS.

The sections that follow later in this topic contain examples of supported file extensions for each file category. These examples only serve as a reference and should not be interpreted as the complete list of supported file extensions for each file category. Other file extensions for these listed file categories are also supported for analysis. The maximum file size limit is 64 MB.

Executable Files

The following table lists examples of supported file extensions that belong to the executable file category.

File Extensions Description


Portable Executable/MS-DOS executable

Self-extracting (SFX) executable


Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) executable


Microsoft installer


Microsoft Windows shortcut


Microsoft Windows library


Microsoft Windows driver

.cpl, .pif

Other Microsoft file formats that might contain executable content


Compiled Java class code


COM executable for DOS

EICAR test virus

Document Files

The following table lists examples of supported file extensions that belong to the document file category.

File Extensions Description

.doc, .docx

Microsoft Office Word document

.xls, .xlsx

Microsoft Office Excel document


Microsoft Office Excel template


Microsoft Office Excel add-in with macros


Microsoft Office Excel document with macros


Microsoft Office Excel document with macros and saved in a binary format


Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet template


Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet template with macros

.ppt, .pptx

Microsoft Office Powerpoint document


Microsoft Office Powerpoint slideshow

.pot, .potx

Microsoft Office Powerpoint template


Microsoft Office Word document, Office Open XML format, with macros


Microsoft Office Powerpoint document with macros


Microsoft Office Powerpoint slideshow with macros


Microsoft Office Powerpoint presentation template with macros

.dot, .dotx

Microsoft Office Word document template


Microsoft Office Word document template, Office Open XML format with macros


Microsoft XML paper specification document

.odp, .ods, .odt, .otg, .otp, .ott, .odg

Open Office or LibreOffice document formats


Open XML paper specification format document


PDF document


WordPerfect document


Microsoft Publisher document


Rich text format document


XML-based Microsoft Office Excel document, pre-Office2007

XML-based Microsoft Office Powerpoint presentation, pre-Office2007

XML-based Microsoft Office Word document, pre-Office2007


Adobe XML data package format


eXtensible stylesheet language for XML file

Script Files

The following table lists examples of supported file extensions that belong to the script file category.

File Extensions Description


HTML application (HTA)


Visual Basic for applications


Visual Basic script


Visual Basic encoded script

.bat, .cmd

Batch script



Analysis of Javascript files is supported only in the context of file transfers and not in the context of web traffic.


Jscript encoded script

.pl, .pm

Perl script

.psm1, .psd1, .ps1

Powershell script module

Powershell data file

Powershell script


Python script

.sh, .command

Shell script

Terminal command file


Windows script

Archive Files

The following table lists examples of supported file extensions that belong to the archive file category.

File Extensions Description


WinAce compressed file

.tbz2, .tbz, .bz2, .bz

TAR archive files compressed with Linux-based Bzip and Bzip2 data compressors


Microsoft Windows cabinet archive file


Microsoft diagnostic cabinet archive file

.tgz, .gz

TAR achive file compressed with Gnu Zip


Java archive file


Java Web application archive

.lzh, .lha

Archive file compressed using Lempel-Ziv and Haruyasu (LZH) compression algorithm


Files compressed with Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain Algorithm (LZMA) compression


NuGet package file


Universal disk format


Disc image file format based on ISO-9660 standard


Files compressed with RAR compression


Tape archive file

.xz, .txz

XZ compressed TAR file


Zip archive file


7-zip archive file


RFC2822-formatted email message file

Data Files

The following table lists examples of supported file extensions that belong to the Data file category.

File Extensions Description


Comma-separated values data file


Internet query data file

.sylk, .slk

Symbolic link data file

.pcapng, .pcap

Packet capture file (tcpdump)


Microsoft content-settings data file

Media Files

Only Macromedia Flash data file (.swf) is supported.

Other Files

The following table lists examples of supported file extensions that do not belong to any of the preceding file categories.

File Extensions Description


Website file


Internet shortcut file referenced by Web browsers

.htm, .html

HTML document

Analysis of HTML files is supported only in the context of file transfers and not in the context of web traffic. The context is detected using content-disposition headers for HTTP, and is always true for other protocols, such as FTP, SMB.

.xar, .pkg

XAR archive data

For malware detection, these files are analyzed directly without extracting them. Therefore, they are not classified as archive files.