This section provides an overview on how VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance remediation actions integrate with VMware Telco Cloud Automation.

In VMware Telco Cloud Automation CaaS infrastructure, each cluster instance has one or more worker nodepools. Each nodepool has a number of replicas that can be scaled up or down.

For VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance remediation actions to integrate with VMware Telco Cloud Automation, you must edit the VMware Telco Cloud Automation parameters and connections with the relevant host and credentials.

tca_nodepool_scale_up and tca_nodepool_scale_down are examples of out-of-the-box actions in VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance.

For automated Remediation Rule, perform the following steps:
  • In the Actions page, verify that there is a pre-defined action tca_nodepool_scale_up for triggerring the scale up action on a VMware Telco Cloud Automation nodepool.


  • Under Remediation Rules, create a automated rule with event Down, class name as KubernetesWorker and select the tca_nodepool_scale_up action.


  • For automated Remediation Rule, an event or events will be polled every five minutes. If an event matches the Remediation Rule, an action will be triggered in the backend, and you can see the Remediation status in the Tasks page.
For manual Remediation Rule, perform the following steps:
  • In the Actions page, verify that there is a pre-defined action tca_nodepool_scale_down for triggerring the scale down action on a VMware Telco Cloud Automation nodepool

  • Under Remediation Rules, create a manual rule with event Down, class name as KubernetesPod and select the tca_nodepool_scale_down action.
  • To view the notifications in the Notification Console, login to the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance UI, enter your username and password.
  • Click the ellipsis icon (three vertical dots) on the desired notification that has the tca_nodepool_scale_down action associated with it.
  • Under Recommended Actions, click the desired Remediation Action.

  • To start the Remediation Action, click Start. After you start the Remediation Action, you can view the progress of action in the Tasks section.
  • In the Tasks page, you can see the action taken and also view the VMware Telco Cloud Automation CaaS infrastructure.

Note: You can edit or delete these actions.