After you perform a successful scan, the compliance state of the attached baseline might be incompatible because of conflicting updates. The status of the update will be Conflict if the update is a patch, and Conflicting New Module, if the update is a new module.


The state of the attached baseline is incompatible because an update in the baseline is in conflict with either other updates in the Update Manager patch repository or an existing update on the host.


  • The baseline contains a host update that conflicts with another update already installed on the host.
  • The baseline contains a host update that conflicts with other updates in the Update Manager repository.
  • The dynamic baseline criteria results in a conflicting set.
  • The baseline is attached to a container object and conflicts with one or more inventory objects in the folder. This is an indirect conflict.


  • Detach or remove the baseline containing the update that conflicts with another update already installed on the host.
    If Update Manager suggests a resolution for the conflicting update, add the resolution update into the baseline and retry the scan operation.
  • Open the Patch Details or the Extension Details window to see details about the conflict and the other updates with which the selected update is in conflict.
    • If the conflicting updates are in the same baseline, remove the conflicting updates from the baseline and perform the scan again.
    • If the conflicting updates are not in the same baseline, ignore the conflict and proceed to install the updates by starting a remediation.
  • Edit the dynamic baseline criteria or exclude the conflicting patches and scan again.
    If Update Manager suggests a resolution for the conflicting patch, add the resolution patches into the baseline and retry the scan operation.
  • If the conflict is indirect, you can remediate the container object, but only the objects that are not in conflict are remediated. You should resolve the conflicts or move the inventory objects that are in conflict, and then remediate.