If you are using vDS networking, as a convenience you can import the HAProxy OVA file to a Content Library. Importing the HAProxy OVA to a local Content Library can be used for air-gapped deployments.


Create a local Content Library. See Create, Secure, and Synchronize a Local Content Library for Tanzu Kubernetes releases.

Download the latest version of the VMware HAProxy OVA file from the VMware-HAProxy site.


  1. Log in to the vCenter Server using the vSphere Client.
  2. Select Menu > Content Libraries > .
  3. From the list of Content Libraries, click the link for the name of the Local Content Library you created, such as HAProxy.
  4. Click Actions.
  5. Select Import Item.
  6. In the Import Library Item window, select Local File.
  7. Click Upload Files.
  8. Select the file vmware-haproxy-vX.X.X.ova.
    You see the message 1 file ready to import. The file is listed with a green check mark beside its name.
  9. Click Import.
  10. Reveal the Recent Tasks pane at the bottom of the page.
  11. Monitor the task Fetch Content of a Library Item and verify that it is successfully Completed.

What to do next

Deploy the HAProxy control plane VM. See Deploy the HAProxy Load Balancer Control Plane VM.