The following table describes baseline drift report details.

Table 1. Add/Edit Baseline Drift Report Details



Copy settings from menu

(Available on the Add page only) Copy settings from an existing report to populate the details of your new report. When you select a report on this menu, the default name of your new report is Copy of <the name of the existing report>.

Report name

The name that displays on the Manage Baseline Reports page and the window banner for this report.


Optional text to help identify the purpose of the report.

Status radio buttons

Enabled means that the report results are automatically generated. Disabled turns off report generation and deletes the entire history of the report.

Target menu

Defines what is analyzed in the report. The Target Type options are:

Computer– Track all file changes on the selected computer.

Computers in policy – Track all file changes on all computers in the selected policy.

Computer Filter – Track all file changes on computers that match the criteria specified in the filter.

Advanced Filter – Track all file changes that match the criteria specified in the filter, which can include both file and computer criteria.

All computers – Track all file changes on all computers.

For each Target Type except All computers, additional fields allow you to complete the specification of the target.

Baseline menu

Determines what the target is compared to. The baseline options are:

Computer – Compare target to the files found on the named computer at report run time.

Computers in policy – Compare target to the files found on all computers (at report run time) in the policy selected from this menu.

Computer Filter – Compare target to files from computers that match the criteria specified in the filter.

Advanced Filter – Compare target to files that match the criteria specified in the filter, which can include both file and computer criteria.

Snapshots – Compare target to the files in one or more selected snapshots.

Same as target – Compare the files on the target computer(s) to the files on the same computer(s) at a specified point in the past.

None – Calculate total drift of all computers without any baseline comparison. This choice generates a report that monitors all changes on a target set of machines since the agent was installed. This option does not allow tracking of missing files.If you keep the default Advanced Options, this choice essentially gives you the table of all unapproved files on your target systems, along with additional Drift and Risk information only available in Baseline Drift Reports. You can filter or sort by Risk if you choose to determine whether action is necessary on any of these unapproved files, and also see whether any particular group, user, or computer is contributing disproportionately to total Risk.

For each Type choice except None, additional fields allow you to complete specification of the baseline.

Save button

Create the Baseline Drift Report by saving the parameters you have entered. After it is created, the report is scheduled to run unless you disable it.

Cancel button

Cancel the creation or editing of the report.

Show/Hide Advanced Options buttons

Shows or hides additional parameters for the report. See Advanced Baseline Drift Report Options for more details.